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Mugosa: The story of the principle and program is reduced to the distribution of the department

The process of forming the 44th government is uncertain and complicated, as time passes should be crusted with the potential majority, and we see that the Mandatar encounters a number of issues from the show "Link".

Mugoša pointed out that the story of the principle and the program was reduced to the story of the distribution of the department and whom the voice is important.

As the mandate I said, it was obstructs within his party, but also outside. It is a complicated process and it is difficult to predict - Mugoša pointed out.

He said that we are in a specific socio-political situation where the government needs the government.

We have been having a parliament for six months, which doesn't work, which is a big problem. The impression is gained that the government is elected by the parliament, not parliament to the government, "Mugosa said.

He emphasized that an agreement should be reached and to unblock parliament, and to select the parliament management.

We have to unblock the parliament and start working. From the story of the principle and program, it is reduced to the story of the distribution of the department and who is important to which voice - he pointed out.

Mugosa said that the Socilemorcard reacted when some parties started practicing the principles over their back.

Then we asked them not to mention us because we did not participate in negotiations about 44th governments, in official negotiations, we did not participate in the official negotiations, "he said.

He said he believes that the Social Democrats in this process showed an enviable level of state responsibility.

We didn't want to get oil on fire and let them go to those who talk to potentially agree. There is no need to further raise tensions. We are very taking care of how it relates to us, and it will be one of the essential factors whether we want to support someone or not - said Mugoš.

When asked whether the Socilemorcite agreed to talk if the mandate is invited and if the government is not formed by those who convinced most, whether they would support minority support, Mugoša said the conversation was always welcome.

In order to arrange first we need to talk. The matter is a mandate who will participate in the negotiations. The conversation is welcome, regardless of government and the opposition will need many talk about many things, parliament where a two-thirds or tropophy majority is needed - said Mugoš.


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