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Mugosha: The control role of parliament is being affaiuated, the government takes defined the right to the opposition to control hearings

Author: M.J.

After yesterday, the Session of the Assembly, the Chief of the Social Democrates Club announced that the ruling majority continues to insist on limiting defined rights to the control hearing and thus significantly affecting the Rules of Procedure and its control role

The Rules of Procedure is completely clear. He also defined the passability of minority initiatives, which means that at the initiative of five opposition to the control hearing, there is an obligation to make a decision on the control of the hearing - said Mugoša.

Stresses that the established practice guarantees at least two control hearings during the regular session of the Assembly.

Such practice was the subject of praise of our international partners, and now the intention is to stop it. Any control hearing, despite the rules of procedure protecting the opposition initiative, is apparently now depending on whether the representatives of the ruling majority will like the topic that the opposition wants to be discussed - said Vice President SD.

Mugoša pointed out the importance of the control role of the parliament and in terms of the European Road of Montenegro, as it occupies a significant place in assessing the progress of our country.

He assessed that the role of parliament will, if most remain in paragraph to block this opposition control mechanism, seriously be degraded.

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