DPS MP Oskar Hutter sent a new letter to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Montenegro in which he asks them to provide him with a letter or some proof that they have contacted the MUP of Serbia, regarding his earlier question about the number of Montenegrin citizens who have acquired Serbian citizenship since 2006 in relation to Article 23 of the Law on Citizenship of Serbia.
"Pursuant to Article 50 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro, I addressed you on 22.11.2024, requesting information on the number of Montenegrin citizens who have acquired Serbian citizenship since 2006 in relation to Article 23 of the Law on Citizenship of Serbia.
Article 50, paragraph 3 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro defines that the deadline for submitting notifications and explanations is a maximum of 15 days.
I have not yet received an answer to the question posed.
Therefore, I am using the same institute and requesting that you provide me with a letter or other evidence that you have contacted the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia, if you have contacted it at all," the letter sent by Huter states.