The public is dominated by the claim that the Resolution will declare all Serbs genocidal. It is interesting that those who most loudly advocate that no nation or state can be genocidal, claim it more loudly for other nations and states, said Raskrinkavanja editor-in-chief Darvin Murić.
As he stated, everyone spoke about the Resolution on the genocide in Srebrenica.
- Politicians and parties threaten and condition, exert pressure, while religious communities deny genocide and the "media" call for organized resistance - said Murić.
After the collective guilt for the systematic killing of more than 8,000 people, he notes, a new narrative emerged - how come genocidal Germany wants to make Serbia genocidal.
- That, like all other inaccurate narratives about Srebrenica, is used and spread - Dodik. He says that the same Germany that sponsored the Ustasha crimes against the Serbs is now the sponsor of the resolution on Srebrenica, which should put the Serbs, the descendants of the genocide victims, on the dark side of history. Official Serbia also promotes these views through its ministers, so the Minister of Labor Nemanja Starović "reminds" that "those who shot a hundred for one, who formed Dachau, Jasenovac, Auschwitz, Pag, today accuse the Serbs of genocide with the aim of , like some trump card tomorrow, they capitalize politically". On Dodik's line are the Orthodox brotherhoods and IN4S, which does not miss the opportunity to congratulate the man who commanded the genocide from the field, Ratko Mladić, on his birthday - Murić added.
The "Orthodox brothers", as he calls them, say - "We cannot come to terms with the fact that the Government, which was formed thanks to our votes, supports the resolution whose initiators are the descendants of the organizers of the Holocaust and the "Crystal Night", the countries that are responsible for the death three million members of our people in the aggressions on our homeland in two World Wars".
"To make the irony complete - the initiators of the adoption of the Resolution are the descendants of the organizers of the Holocaust and the "Crystal Night", IN4S adds.
Countless other such examples, according to Murić, can be found on the Internet.
- And yes - German authorities, Hitler's Reich committed the greatest crimes recorded in history, Kristallnacht happened in it, it built camps, purges, killed... We all know what happened in the Second World War, who helped them from this area in that, and who fought against fascism - he added.
Murić points out that one thing, which the authors of the above quotes rather ignore than forget, is very important - Germany admitted its crimes, the criminals were convicted, German society went through the process of denazification, the leaders of the Third Reich were convicted and hanged.
- For years after the war, in which it was ultimately destroyed, Germany paid compensation to numerous states and associations. There is almost no recorded and public denial of the crimes of the Third Reich, German leaders apologized to the victims of Nazism. Modern democracy in Germany and the development of that country are an example in the world. In short - it is not the same Germany as the Orthodox brotherhoods, ministers of labor, IN4S and others tell you. When the Allies overran Hitler's Reich in October 1946, they categorized the Nazis into five groups - capital criminals, that is, those who would be sentenced to life imprisonment or death, activists, militarists and profiteers, followed by up to 10 years in prison. Then, low-level criminals who received a suspended sentence of three years, then supporters of the Nazis who received surveillance measures and fines, and those who were acquitted - stated Murić.
During the Nuremberg trials, he added, high-ranking Nazi officers were sentenced, most of them to death by hanging, and crimes of the Third Reich were also convicted during the trial.
- Denazification meant the process of removing the influence of Nazi ideology from public life in Germany. Denazification entailed the banning of the Nazi Party, and advocacy of National Socialist ideas became punishable by death. Swastika and all other symbols are prohibited. All Germans had to fill out questionnaires and undergo interrogations about their involvement in Nazism, and former Nazis were taken on tours of concentration camps and shown videos of the suffering of Jews in the camps. In the documents of the American Government, from 1945, it is clearly stated that the denazification program implies the arrest of Nazi leaders and supporters of this ideology, as well as other persons who are a danger to the Allied occupation. Also, members of the Nazi Party were removed from public and other important functions such as those in private companies, all Nazi laws were completely removed, and in addition to the Nazi Party, all organizations created by it and those close to it were banned. The prevention and removal of Nazism from information services, education and religion has also begun - said Murić.
As he said, all money and other assets were blocked from the Nazis, including names are squares and streets that bore names related to Nazism.
- In September 1951, the post-war chancellor of Germany, Konrad Adenauer from the Bundestag asked the world for forgiveness for the crimes of Nazi Germany and said he was ready to start negotiations on reparations for the victims of the Holocaust. In that year, the figures that Germany paid out were determined. An agreement was made with Israel alone to pay that country three billion marks in compensation. In modern Germany, it is forbidden to deny the Holocaust, to spread Nazi ideology online or offline, to declare that you support Hitler, to wear any symbol related to Nazism. Racist and anti-Semitic words can send you to prison for five years - the famous case of the writer Ernst Zindel, who served just that long for denying the Holocaust. Again - yes, Nazi Germany committed indescribable crimes in the Second World War, but is it the same Germany today that is mentioned by Miholjski zbor, IN4S, Dodik and others? Simple and short - no - he concluded.