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Nenezic: Ferry "August 30" and a ferryf franche job for the Prosecution

Author: M.J.

Ferry "August 30, as well as Feribot Af Francesca, were a job for the Prosecution, the MP of Social Democrats and the President of the Municipal Assembly of Bar, Branislav Nenezić, and called on the authorities to react.

He said that the citizens of Montenegro have the opportunity to testify to the school example of the damage that are irresponsible to arrogant and violate laws from the budget - motivated to satisfy their personal ambitions, or better to say frustrations.

Obviously former Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic decided that after the shortest prime minister in the history of Montenegro, he deals with the resale of secondary raw materials using the money of citizens - Nenezić stated in the announcement.

According to him, everything found information to repair the ferry, whose purchase, as he said, celebrated Abazovic as his business triumph, nobody called.

It seems that neither for an amount that is almost the same as the amount for which Abazovic bought him, he can't do it. An example of the section believed or not, and in more serious states for a serious investigation, where the holders of that job, the former prime minister would, until the line minister, should be relevant - Nenezić pointed out.

According to him, the fact is that the identical business combination, only with a larger role, planned by Abazovic when he was appointed, insisted that the Feribot AF Francesca has been offered for an amount that is significantly higher than market value, and At the same time, half a century, with a unclaimed intent to or sell or sell into old iron after the first season of work.

Now the Montenegrin public can clearly see that all our cites related to the purchase of Feribot AF Francesca are true, because the actors from the purchase of ferry acknowledge the jobs and AF Francescu said Nenezić.

The performers, as he stated, should be second, but the orderor is the same, and the damage is multiple.

Picture of the ankcorrup laws, through the deliberate action with the elements of corruption, always carries an interest in the principal and the damage to the public interest, which is a decision to buy Feribota Af Francesca, damaged due to the fact that the bars must pay off the actions of inconsistent shareholders And the facts that we will not have established traffic on the route Bar-Bari during the season - Nenezić stated.

He called on the competent authorities to react.

By pointing out the obvious corrupt action we were able to prevent half-century Star Boat for apparently "inflated" amount and to end as a wreck in our port that otherwise does not have a technical predisposition to it, but those who planned it is never even I was interested, "Nenezic said.

He said that it is now all on the competent state bodies that, if they do not respond, apply far greater damage to the rule of law in Montenegro.

Circus-behavior is just a screen that should be shining as the corrupt actions in an unprofitable way are played behind the curtains - Nenezić concluded.

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