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Nikolić: "Europe now" should show principles and not form a coalition with DF

In a tragicomic statement this morning, the "Europe Now" movement accused the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) and the Democratic Front (DF) of collaboration, which only testifies to the level of depravity of this party and its leader, Milojko Spajić, who apparently began to lose ground. , said DPS spokesman Miloš Nikolić.
He pointed out that thanks to the votes of the voters of the Democratic Front, the leaders of the "Europe Now" Movement, Milojko Spajić and Jakov Milatović, got the opportunity to engage in politics.
And thanks to the support of their representatives in the Parliament of Montenegro, they became ministers in the government of Zdravko Krivokapić. Also, DF voted for the populist and disastrous program "Europe Now", which destroys the public finances of Montenegro in the long term for the sake of the rating of one political party - added Nikolić.
After the local elections, as he pointed out, the government in Danilovgrad was formed precisely by the coalition of Europe Now and the Democratic Front.
Just as it is planned to be done in Podgorica in an identical way - said the DPS spokesperson.
He tells the "Europe Now" movement that they should show principle.
So, if you don't already want to show gratitude to your coalition partners from DF for enabling you to engage in politics and launch your growth, then show principle after these accusations you make against them and refuse their support for the formation of the government in the municipalities where you depend on them. Until then, your leader Milojko Spajić could answer the simple question of whether he acquired Serbian citizenship after 2006 or not and thus end the dilemmas surrounding his candidacy in the presidential elections. Until then, we leave it to you to clarify all other ambiguities and doubts with your partners - concluded Nikolić.
M. J.

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