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Nikolic: A new generation of young people who want to repair the value system is protesting, it seems to me that there is no compromise with them

Source: Antena M - Author: M.J. GDNUS

I got the impression that this generation of young people wants exactly that, it does clearly specify what is whose responsibility is, who is responsible, and for what you do well, and bad, there are consequences of their protest that The consequences must be borne due to bad things. It seems to me that there are not many places to compromise with them, and that they will stand out in that, and how they started working very wisely, she said in the morning program, the editor of the Me's editor of Danica Nikolic.

It was quite surprised by the information that the Association of Archives of Public Meetings from Serbia, I Nikolić, analyzed the protest of students in Podgorica, adds to 5,000 people, which is equivalent to the conference in Belgrade, which he would He appeared, as he says, 38,000 people.

"It is a huge gathering for the first protest, especially for the protest in the organization of students, followed by no political party, does not stand any large non-governmental organization, no one is a group of students, and, as they said, have Vivax itself Speaker from Gintash, and what they know and in the life, and organized a protest. I think, maybe, even they themselves were surprised by the number of citizens who gathered, but the situation is such that, indeed, in some way you must express dissatisfaction, "Nikolic said.

Before the student protest on Sunday, Nikolić, was a gathering in front of the government, and there could be a desperation of the massacre on January 1, she points out, and anger because of everything that came, after that.

"Ljudi su bijesni zbog ponašanja nadležnih institucija, zbog ponašanja vrha vlasti, zbog svega onoga zbog čega i treba biti bijesan. Ako se građani ne osjećaju zaštićeno, a očigledno se ne osjećaju zaštićeno u ovom trenutku, onda moraju biti, ne samo tužni, već And furious, and angry with a reason, "Nikolic pointed out.

Similar cases of protests in Serbia with Podgorica protests, Nikolić, because they have taken protests over demolition of canopy and death 15 people, and it turned out to be, emphasizing the corruption of the culprit.

"Massacre in Cetinje has nothing to do with corruption, from two years ago, we practically threatened, from the bavery to victims, as needed to pause their dead, and from the need for society to some The way to recover, and because of all this we entered the zone when we did not ask those of those of which it was supposed to be sought. In fact, it did not insist in enough, and did not work enough to come to that. " , Nikolic.Ž reminded

If someone has then reaped responsibility, Nikolić, now is high time for someone to leave, resign, she points out, or be removed, to solve things, whatever they want.

"Security System must work, as we see, as citizens, as important as to be functional, and that the security system is to be spinal, at any time, and not to fear for its own, Not for someone else's life, and that we can live in peace. If there is no stability, if there is no continuity in that system, then it can't work properly. I heard the Prime Minister, after a session of the National Security Council, that there will be a rotation in the government , every six months, or whatever, it is completely irrelevant, but rotation in the ministries themselves are not solutions, it only brings additional instances, they do not have the institutional memory, which is extremely important. You, If you remove people from key positions every half of the year, then the institutional memory cannot exists, and it is the key to the functioning of the entire system. We see what happened when people currently came to power, moved all the people, moved all people According to the depths, they shifted people, and we remained without institutional memory, and, it seems to me, not only in the security sector, but also in all other cases. We suffer the horrible consequences of the system at the depths of destroyed, "Nikolic emphasized.

The Protest is acquired, Nikolić, has been considered by the Protest for Sexual Harassment in Podgorica, that the generation of young people, points out, which wants to change the entire value system, and not only, with the heads in certain areas and power .

"They want to change the entire value system, ie to repair it, and in Montenegro, and in the region, it seems to me both in the world, we encounter a fully collapsed system. Nothing that really makes man is more important, and among other things , We have to return shame and shame in public life, and in public discourse, and then things will start to be repaired. I gained the impression that this generations Young people want that, he wants to clearly specify what is the responsibility of whose responsibility is who that responsibility bears, and for what you do well, and bad, there are consequences of their protest is that due to bad things must be borne consequences. It seems to me that there are not many room for compromise with them, and that they will stand in that, and this as they started working very wisely, "Nikolic concluded.

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