I ask people who write statements to Mladen Mikijelj to stop joking with him, said Petar Odžić, deputy president of the SDP and leader of the European Alliance list in Budva.
“Namely, about fifteen days ago they wrote to him that the group "Budva naš grad" is in fact a drug clan, only a day later he extended a hand of reconciliation, and three days later that Jovanović is the biggest traitor. I would suggest that the statements be written by the same person, or if necessary, that there be more than one, that everyone consult with the boss from Krimovica residing in Belgrade before publishing.
This is not how it works, because voters may think they have given support to a person with a split personality, or that it is some other illness," says Odžić.
"I also appeal to them to use simple terms when writing, so that people who know Mladen really think that it is him, because terms like "legal degradation of the institutions of the system" cannot be found in his vocabulary," says Odžić.
Also, he adds, I cannot speak on his behalf that the SDP should not return to power, when Mladen called him several times after the first round, and over a dozen mediators tried to schedule meetings to form a government!
"So, Mladen has done a lot for the former Democratic Front, and he does not deserve to be shamed in front of the public in this way," said Odžić.