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Opposition: The agreement will commit to respecting the opinion of the Supreme Court and introduce a moratorium on amendments to the Constitution and the Law on Dual Citizenship


Representatives of the parliamentary opposition, Danijel Živković and Damir Šehović, at a meeting organized by the Head of the EU Delegation to Montenegro, Johan Satler, presented a solution for overcoming the long-term constitutional and parliamentary crisis.

At the meeting, as announced, the previously stated position on the opposition's readiness to sign an agreement that would resolve the deep political and institutional crisis that we have been witnessing for months was reiterated, all with the aim of permanently protecting the constitutional system and legal order.

"The aforementioned agreement would guarantee that without reaching a consensus, solutions that divide the public will not be proposed, such as amendments to the Constitution and the Law on Montenegrin Citizenship.

The agreement would also include a joint definition of a specific issue that will be sent to the Venice Commission, with an obligation for all parties to act in accordance with the opinion received," the statement signed by DPS, ES and HGI states.

In the event of signing the agreement, as they point out, the opposition would return to the regular working regime in the Parliament of Montenegro.

"In this way, it would once again demonstrate its readiness for a constructive approach related to the European agenda, as has been the case before.

Finally, the opposition once again reiterated its commitment to finding a solution to the crisis, with uncompromising determination to protect vital state interests, as well as full focus on the implementation of obligations from the EU agenda," the statement concludes.

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