The vice-president of the Social Democrats (SD) Danilo Orlandić announced that there is no question of criminal acts which, as he said, the Airports of Montenegro pompously announced to the media.
He was reacting to the report that Aerodrom submitted to the Basic State Prosecutor's Office (ODT), due to suspected fraud during the payment of out-of-court settlements in the period from 2019 to 2021 when Orlandić was the executive director.
Orlandić stated that Dobardžić probably forgot that before making the decision to file a criminal complaint, they read as many as three opinions of reputable Montenegrin lawyers they hired, about the merits of filing a criminal complaint due to legally conducted out-of-court settlements.
He added that he wanted to believe that they had read them thoroughly and that he would be happy to deliver them to them if they had not had that opportunity.
There you will read that there is absolutely no question of the criminal acts that you pompously announced to the media and that you cannot be held criminally responsible for the legal assessment of the outcome of a dispute, unless there is an intention to obtain a material benefit or cause damage to someone, and regarding which the lawyers assessed that there is no evidence that this intention existed - said Orlandić.
As he said, such a position was recently expressed in a public speech by one of the members of the Board of Directors of the Airport, "who probably did his homework better than you and read the given opinions in detail".
Orlandić stated how much they believe in the merits of the report and the fact that they did not submit it more than three months after reaching a conclusion on the subject of the report, but after a media article which, he said, speaks of their illegal actions.
As he said, unlike the report against him, his criminal report is based on a final judgment and official documents of the Board of Directors, in the minutes of the session held in October 2021, in which it was established that a mistake was made when making a decision on his dismissal.
That's why I invite and encourage you to explain to the public how your mistake cost the company tens of thousands that were awarded to me in the court proceedings, and that they were immediately paid to me due to the fact that the Airports withdrew their appeal against that judgment and thus made that payment possible. I believe that you will do the same regarding this criminal complaint that you announced and that you will soon withdraw it - said Orlandić.