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Petition for shortening the mandate of the Assembly and holding elections

The organizing committee of the "Ima nas" protest, which consists of representatives of political parties, non-governmental organizations, independent intellectuals and citizens, launched a petition aimed at holding extraordinary parliamentary elections in order to preserve the European perspective and the future of Montenegro.
"Our country is in a deep political, institutional and economic crisis, and the only way to restore normality to the daily functioning of society as a whole is to hold elections, after which Montenegro would get a stable political government that will guide the country on the right path," the announcement states. .
The text of the petition states that the signatories demand the shortening of the mandate of the current convocation of the Assembly and the calling of extraordinary parliamentary elections.
"We agree that this is the only way to stand in the way of the collapse of the statehood and constitutional order of Montenegro, the closure of a certain prospective European perspective for our society and the country's membership in the EU, as well as the destruction of the economic and financial potentials on which a realistically possible increase in the standard of living is based of each individual", the text states.
They say that even if they had an honest democratic chance, they waited long enough for the effects of the current government.
"Instead of responsible dedication to the state and the interests of citizens, we got party-political calculations, fierce revanchism and cheap populism and dangerous incompetence in the performance of public affairs. And our most important interest is still political, security and economic stability, dynamic democratic and economic development accompanied by an increase in living standards, the strengthening of the Euro-Atlantic partnership and the country's membership in the EU as soon as possible", the text says.
Every family, as they state, has the right to a dignified life.
"Each of us individually and all of us together are responsible to ourselves, our ancestors and our descendants. "No one has the right to ruin the European future of our children and our country," the announcement states.
They believe that Montenegro should, in accordance with its proud tradition, remain a society of freedom and equality, multi-ethnicity, responsible and courageous citizens, and that as soon as possible it becomes a society of the rule of law and justice, with a continuously thought-out policy, which will guarantee it international prestige and respect and a society with socially sensitive policies whose focus is the well-being of each individual and family.
"The Constitution guarantees us, the citizens of Montenegro, the right to defend our country and its constitutional arrangement. That is why, in accordance with Article 92 of the Constitution of Montenegro, we demand that the MPs urgently initiate the procedure and make a decision on shortening the mandate of the Assembly, in order to ensure the holding of extraordinary parliamentary elections", the text of the petition concluded.


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