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Popa: Now is the time for all the proevropic actors of your word to substantiate with specific deeds

The total support of the citizens of Montenegro by joining the European Union has increased to almost 78 percent, with a record high number of those who strongly support Montenegro's entry in the EU from 50.2 percent, according to the latest research of the publication of the Defacto agency, which has been presented today by delegation chief EU and ambassadors of EU Member States in Montenegro.

If accessing the European Union, the question of the general consensus was confirmed by the fact that at the hypothetical referendum on membership 80 would be the case of those who would go out to vote, vote for Montenegro's entry.

According to research findings, the citizens of Montenegro is still perceived by the European Union as the most important political and economic partner, and the financial donor of Montenegro, while the EU delegation is among the three institutions that enjoy citizens' confidence in the evening.

On the other hand, research has shown that citizens are not very satisfied with the speed at which the state approaches the European Union. The second time since the measurement of this indicator, more people believe that the tempo is slow (54.7 percent) than fast.

This research makes it clear to us that in difficult times, citizens of Montenegro are even more dedicated to their European future. But the message of citizens is also a clear call to an emergency action - that Montenegro has no more time to waste and now is the time to ensure the European future of the country - said EU Ambassador in Montenegro, Oan Kristina Pop, commenting on the results of the research.

The ambassador emphasized that the EU is hearing this message clearly and loudly and expressed hope that the message of citizens will also hear Montenegrin political actors who have the power to make the necessary activities and trigger the necessary reforms.

Now is the time for all the proevropic actors to support their words with concrete works, to achieve a broad political consensus and fulfill their promise to the European future to citizens. To behave proevropically means working together with the aim of a public good, above political and ideological commitments - said Ambassador Pop.

Prof. Dr. Oliver Komar of the Defacto Agency, which made the research, stated that the support of Montenegro's access to the European Union remains the only consensus in high -ranking Montenegrin society.

In addition, the vast majority of citizens also believe that the membership of Montenegro in the EU would use regional cooperation in the Western Balkans. In doing so, citizens send a clear message to the political elites what should be the direction of Montenegrin politics, and what society they want to live in - Komar emphasized.

The public opinion survey was formed for the needs of the European Union delegation in Montenegro, on a representative sample of 1,005 respondents, from October 28 to November 14, 2022.


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