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Raonić should immediately leave, material damage to bear on and advise RTCG

The Center for Civic Education (CCE) estimates that the final verdict on the illegal selection of Boris Raonić for the General Director of RTCG, on what the organization previously indicated, gained the conditions for his immediate departure from that position. Everything else, they would consider Montenegro in CCE, represented a rough disrespect for a court decision.

In that organization, they point out that the material damage to the budget incurred by this illegal choice should be borne by the Solidar Raonić and the members of the Council who voted, and thus did reputation damage.

Thus, responsibility for illegal decisions would be introduced and prevented such negative practices in the future. How much RTCG has been urging in the implementation of the clientelist-interest agenda confirms the fact that in the Central Information Emission, the Dnevnik 2 could not hear any words on the final judgment and illegal selection of gene. The director of that house, and which is the opposite and public interest - emphasize in CCE.

As, as they say, a compromised procedure must be repeated from the beginning by the new Council, especially given that the issue of meeting the conditions were publicly treated at the time of the decision-making, but without conscience, illegally acted.

The illegal choice of the Director General is a reflection of the total situation in RTCG, which characterize numerous controversies and to which the Council of RTCG is inadmissible to be silent and complicited in them. This also confirms that the advice must do people from integrity, not those who are the result of rotten party compromises - they say in CCE.


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