We fully support the request of our fellow citizens, representatives of the Albanian people, who have requested the Moon Census to create the necessary conditions, in all languages in all languages in all languages, and in all other institutional readiness for the implementation of the Census - said is the President of the Executive Board of the Bosniak Council Mirsad Rastoder.
Bearing in mind that the upcoming census in Montenegro should be expressed precisely the population of our country and that the collected data will be used in the coming years, and perhaps the credential source in the social and demographic spheres, all the necessary preconditions should be provided. To implement the list in a legal, complete and detailed way, with the full freedom of expression of citizens - the Rastoder said.
It is ahead of us, as it adds, very serious and, above all, a sensitive process in which all institutions, the previously disabilities for Staitstik, but also municipal census commissions must be conscious.
That is why it should not have been rushing and being unprepared in any segment. The teams of instructors and enumerators should be prepared very carefully, with the necessary education in the field, in order for all citizens to be adequately followed and in the act itself freely reported data on themselves and members of their families. Each type of institutional unpreparedness, superficiality may cause problems that can lead to unnecessary errors, incomplete data, discrimination and possible social tensions that can issue the CIO population process - Rastoder
Due to all that, as I mentioned, they invite the government to discuss this fact once again and make a decision on postponing the list to the moon.
Or until the necessary institutional conditions are made to make a list of quality, thoroughly, a legitimate and comprehensive way, with respect to all social diversity in Montenegro - the Rastoder concluded.