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Safe Journalists: Competent to take seriously the case of rape threats addressed to female journalists

The SafeJournalists network is concerned about the rape threats that were addressed to female journalists from Montenegro last week when an unknown person sent an email to the editor of the M portal Danica Nikolić addressed to her and colleagues from different media Tamara Nikčević, Bojana Dabović, Mirka Dević and Slavica Kruščić Vasović.
The Media Union of Montenegro (SMCG) warns that the threats received by female journalists are very problematic, because this is the first time that such a mass threat has occurred in Montenegro, the target of which was only women. "The competent authorities must react urgently in order to put an end to this phenomenon and to adequately punish the perpetrator. In recent years, SMCG has often highlighted the promptness of the police, prosecutor's offices and courts when it comes to new cases of attacks on journalists. However, journalist Danica Nikolić has been the target of threats several times and as far as we know, nothing has been done, so her experience is different and we appeal to her to change her name - said the president of SMCG Radomir Kračković.
The SafeJournalists network, which represents media professionals in the Western Balkans, joined its member SMCG and called on the authorities to take this case seriously and urgently find the person who sent the threats and process the case.
The SafeJournalists network will inform the relevant domestic and international actors about this case, and will place a special emphasis in its work on the safety of female journalists. Every attack on journalists is an attack on public interest, democracy and the rights of all citizens - they added in the statement.
The statement is signed by the Association of Journalists of Kosovo, the Association of Macedonian Journalists, the Association of BiH Journalists, the Croatian Journalists' Association, the Independent Association of Journalists of Serbia and the Media Union of Montenegro.
As a reminder, Nikolić also reported this email with threats to the Basic State Prosecutor's Office in Podgorica, which has been investigating the death threats sent to her from the same email address since September 10, 2022.
The editorial staff of the M portal has been constantly exposed to threats since the beginning of its work. Each of them, as previously pointed out in the M portal, arrived immediately after the officials of the former government, led by former Prime Minister Dritan Abazović and former Minister of the Interior Filip Adžić, targeted them as alleged members, and even leaders, of a criminal clan or linked them to dubious affairs, together with colleagues from Pobjeda, City Television, E Television, Antena M, Portal Analitika, portal CDM...

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