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SD: Not supporting Čarapić, not even an attack on the monument to Mirko Petrović can save the government in the capital

Instead of the promised increase in wages, social benefits, new factories, speeding up the road to the EU and other colorful lies with which they fooled the public in the pre-election period, Vasilije Čarapić and his Movement Europe have now turned their attention to the monument to Mirko Petrović! "European", nothing. Therefore, we are telling him and the other Čarapićs: this will not pass - said the Social Democrats (SD), referring to the statement by Vasilij Čarapić, deputy of the Europe Now Movement, that the memorial to Duke Mirko Petrović from the Independence Square should be donated to Cetinje.

They called on Čarapić to avoid such rhetoric.

- And to get rid of the dirty work, that is, to finally stop with the futile attempts to save the government in the capital by flattering the DF, whose end is getting closer every day." Such a mindless idea would be the second attack on the monument to Prince Mirko Petrović, and the initiators of it would be written in black letters in Montenegrin history as sponsors of hatred against their own country and the Petrović dynasty - underlined the SD.

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