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Serbian rapist: He was sentenced to 17 years in prison for raping and raping his wife's children from his first marriage

Serbian citizen S. LJ. resident in Kotor, was sentenced to 17 years in prison for rape and rape of his wife's children from his first marriage.
The verdict was pronounced on July 12 in the Podgorica High Court by Judge Milena Matović.
S. Lj. was declared guilty of committing the prolonged criminal offense of lewdness by abuse of position from Article 207 paragraph 3 in connection with paragraph 2 in connection with Article 49 of the Criminal Code of Montenegro and one criminal offense of rape from Article 204 paragraph 5 in connection with paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code of Montenegro and sentenced to a single a prison sentence of 17 years - it is stated in the document of the Appellate Court which confirmed the extension of custody to this convict.
S. Lj. After the verdict, his detention was extended due to the risk of escape and because he was declared guilty by a non-final verdict of a criminal offense for which a prison sentence of 10 years or a heavier sentence can be imposed by law, and there are serious circumstances that give the act the character of a particularly serious crime, due to the way executions and resulting consequences.
In the explanation for the extension of detention, it is also stated that the defendant was found guilty of committing a criminal offense committed over a long period of time, to the detriment of the children to whom he was a stepfather and with whom he lived in the family household.
The committed criminal offense is additionally serious because of the permanent consequences that children bear as victims of sexual violence, and which above all indicates that this criminal offense is particularly serious both in terms of the way it was committed and in terms of the resulting consequences - the decision of the Court of Appeal states.
S. Lj. has been in custody since the end of July 2020, when he was arrested.
Detention of S. Lj. it can last until the said verdict becomes final, and at the longest until the sentence determined in the first-instance verdict expires.
A year before the arrest of S. Lj. the social services took away his and his wife's nine children, three sons and six daughters.
The youngest child was then two, and the oldest 15 years old.

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