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Since the face of Montenegrins?

There were elections in 14 of Cnogorsk, and the results were as they are. And there was nothing disputed that those who are against the state they live in, against all the civilizational values ​​of the modern world won't win the majority. The majority was won by those who enjoy watching the Russian aggressors kill Ukrainian children, women, the sick, and savagely shell civilian facilities and hospitals, as no occupying army has ever done in history. These are the same ones who even today glorify the villains who during the 90s slaughtered, killed, and raped non-Serb animals in Bosba, Croatia, and Kosovo. Among them are some who were direct participants in those atrocities. The same ones recently called on their war comrades to dig up their weapons and start slaughtering Montenegrins. They are devotees of those who sided with the Serbian occupiers in 1918 and carried out atrocities and crimes against Montenegrins. It's the same stupid consciousness and morality, as was the case of those illegitimate delegates of the shameful Podgorica Assembly and human waste such as Andrija Radović, Janko Vukotić and the like. And today's Montenegro has the same moral freaks in the form and actions of political champions gathered in DF, Democrats, Europe Now, URI, and other political subjects, who have only one unconcealed goal, the physical disappearance of Montenegrins and Montenegro. Even then and today, the role of the Church of Serbia, supposedly Christian and Orthodox, but essentially only bloodthirsty, is crucial. They are ready to do anything just to keep the stolen Montenegrin property. Politically, economically, and in every other way, they have been destroying the country for more than two years. All kinds of Abazovići, Danilovići, Lekići, Mandići, Kneževići, Medojevići, Spaići, Milatovići and other non-Sojčići are not resting, they are doing their job for which they are well paid. Putin and his pawn Vučić, through the bloodthirsty Church of Serbia with the support of criminal clans, incite hatred, buy weapons, blackmail, threaten, buy. And with the purchase, our downfall begins. Because if the Montenegrins were not sold for a small amount of money, they would not be able to carry out their criminal plan. If the price of face was not low in Montenegro, they would not be able to destroy the country, they would not even have the opportunity to do so. But as it has been throughout history, in Montenegro there are most of those who would betray their birth mother for a handful of pennies, and even the state. And we know that the mother and the state are sacred. And to make sure there is no confusion, that the fault lies only with those sold to them, the fault is also great with the political elites of the sovereignist bloc. If they hadn't been arrogant, irresponsible, dishonest in the 30 years they were in power, if they hadn't stolen everything they could, if they had looked at the state as a house and not as loot, even these rulers today would not be where they are today. they are, nor would they have the opportunity to do what they do. They appointed key positions in the state to those who only want personal gain, not the common good. Those who are in power today and to whom they have become loyal, and of course for the sake of personal benefits. During their rule, the undesirables were capable and valuable because they could not be manipulated. Halflings were desirable, and the halfling would change the bottom he was going to kiss in an instant, and they obviously didn't count on it. And speaking of the culprits of the situation in which Montenegro found itself, we cannot leave out the role of the West, first of all the European Union and the United States of America. Their insincere policy and obvious ignorance of the situation led to the fact that in one NATO member state, Russia has the upper hand. A huge role in the counter-revolution of Montenegro was played by the now departing American ambassador Judy Reising Reinke, who favored the pro-Russian structures in Montenegro and was their accomplice. The same role is played by the ambassador of the European Union in Podgorica, Oana Kristina Popa. But, as always, Montenegro was falling to the bottom, so a phoenix rose from the ashes. It was always full of traitors, who always came to the top, seemed to succeed in their intention, but quickly slipped and ended up where they belong in the dustbin of history. The light of freedom is lit in Montenegro, it seems that someone is going to extinguish it, but it flares up and burns so that its enemies disappear in an instant. And finally, a question for those who are easy to sell - Since the face these days? to collect that money and pay you off permanently and send you out of Montenegro.

Comment author Mirsad Jahovic

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