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Sokol: Serbian interference in Montenegrin political conditions has reached proportions that are absolutely unacceptable

The resolution on the genocide in the camps Jasenovac, Dachau and Mauthausen, which was adopted in the Parliament of Montenegro, by the vote of 41 representatives of the ruling majority, has nothing to do with caring for the victims, but is a directive from Belgrade - he said while guesting on the news program 24 hours on Television And Croatian representative in the European Parliament Tomislav Sokol.
- For a long time, I have been warning that Serbian interference in Montenegrin political conditions has reached unacceptable proportions, and today we see that Andrija Mandić is the de facto ruler of Montenegro, that is, someone who repeatedly declared himself a Chetnik duke and who has ties to Serbia , and the inclination towards Russia is very clear - said Sokol.
He believes that this Resolution is the instrumentalization and politicization of the victims, and that it has nothing to do with caring for the victims.
- Montenegro has nothing to do with Jasenov, so it is clear that the goal is to damage Montenegrin-Croatian relations, and even more to emphasize Serbianness in Montenegro, and this is very clearly visible. What will happen next - that is the question. Croatia will certainly take measures, I can't specify what those measures will be, but in general this will show that Croatia, the European Union and the USA must take much more seriously what is happening in Montenegro, that this creeping Serbization of Montenegro he is not only aiming to turn Montenegro into another eye in his head, but also to a large extent probably turn it into a Russian outpost in this part of Europe - said Sokol.
He explained that Montenegro has access to the sea, that it is a member of NATO, geostrategically extremely important, so what is happening is not only an issue for Montenegro, but also for its neighboring countries, the European Union and the USA.
- What I would like to point out is clearly that this was a deal within the ruling majority, after the Resolution on Srebrenica, to compensate in some way, with this dragging of the story about Jasenovac, that this was a way for Andrija Mandić to show himself in front of his people in Montenegro. likewise to Belgrade, so that he continues to keep things under control. Here, too, the question is who manages the parliamentary majority, whether it is the prime minister, whether it is Andrija Mandić or someone else - assessed Sokol.
He points out that the statement of the President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatović, on this topic is interesting, and adds that, if President Milatović really wants to distance himself more from Belgrade, he welcomes it.
- I hope that they will start to look a lot more and concentrate on actions and not on words. When we listen to the rhetoric from Montenegro, everyone's mouth is full of Europe, European integration and Western values, but in practice something completely different is being done - points out Sokol.
Montenegro should be dealt with properly, he believes, because some are trying to play a double game, sit on two chairs, be servile to Belgrade, and say that they want the European path, that they want to meet European civilizational, legal and all other standards, and those two things do not can exist.
- You cannot say on the one hand that you are grateful to Croatia, for everything it has done to help Montenegro's European path, and then your parliamentary majority votes for this Resolution, so some things will have to be resolved much more clearly. That sitting on two chairs will certainly not happen anymore, everyone will have to clearly determine which side they belong to - said Sokol.
If the Resolution had happened earlier, as he said, it would certainly have affected the obtaining of IBAR, a game was played that was anything but fair, obviously orchestrated from Belgrade.
- It is important to detect who in Montenegro is pro-Western, and who is pro-Serbian and pro-Russian. I hope that Montenegrins will become more aware, and that they will see for themselves who is the one who wants to go to Europe, and who is the one who is pulling them back - added Sokol.
IBAR in itself does not mean that things are a solution, explains Sokol, but there is still a lot of work to be done, and the Resolution brought things back to some extent.
- Due to its size and its geostrategic position, Montenegro can enter the European Union in a way that will not create confusion among the member states themselves. Until now, Montenegro has been the closest to the European Union, but now after this we will see together in which direction it will go, and it is not only a matter of the Croatian attitude and the European attitude, but of what the Montenegrin authorities intend to do in the future - emphasizes Sokol.
Commenting on the arrangement of parties in the European Parliament, after the recent elections, Sokol emphasized the fact that the right is getting stronger, and the main reason is migration, and European citizens want to emphasize the safety of their own citizens.
- European citizens are fed up with excessive leftism and going to the extremes of green politics, because green politics as such is positive, it protects the planet, but if it means destroying our agriculture, our industry, it makes Europe more dependent on Russia, on China, on third countries , in terms of energy, security, food, and every other sense - this is something that is extremely dangerous - Sokol believes.
He pointed out that he believes that the president will European Commission to be once again Ursula von der Leyen.

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