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Spajić submitted to the Assembly a proposal for the dismissal of Milović under emergency procedure

Prime Minister Milojko Spajić submitted today to the Parliament of Montenegro a proposal for the dismissal of Minister of Justice Andrej Milović - it was confirmed to Pobjeda from the Montenegrin Parliament.

In the explanation of the proposal, he underlined that Milović was on several occasions not in line with the Government's priorities, and that his actions damaged the overall reputation of the entire Government and the parliamentary majority.

- As is known, in the past period, the 44th Government undertook a series of activities aimed at accelerating economic growth, European integration and strengthening the rule of law. In the implementation of the intensive and dynamic agenda, the largest number of members of the Government expressed their full commitment to these priorities through professional and personal engagement. On the other hand, the Minister of Justice Andrej Milovic was not in line with the Government's priorities on several occasions, and his actions, without prior consultation with the President and members of the Government, damaged the overall context and reputation of both the entire Government and the parliamentary majority was elected to the position of Minister of Justice with his support - Spajić stated in the explanation, which Pobjeda had access to.

He assessed that Milović did not adequately respond to expectations and tasks.

- And that it is extremely important for the legal and political system that the function of the Minister of Justice is carried out by a person with the highest degree of trust from the executive power, I am convinced that it is necessary to take the necessary steps and approach the dismissal of the Minister of Justice. Otherwise, further performance of the function would further threaten the interests of Montenegro from the aspect of internal and foreign policy, as well as the values ​​of the 44th Government related to meritocracy and the strengthening of democratic and depoliticized institutions. Bearing in mind Article 82 paragraph 1 item 12 of the Constitution of Montenegro, which stipulates that the Assembly elects and dismisses the President and members of the Government, I am submitting to the Assembly a proposal to dismiss Andrej Milović from the position of Minister of Justice, as a matter of urgency - said Spajić.

He said last night that he would propose the dismissal of Milović as soon as possible. He said that Milović and the President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatović, launched a coordinated obstruction of the Government.

The Prime Minister said that he informed Milović of the decision to initiate the dismissal before the public appearance of the Minister of Justice.

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