Prime Minister Milojko Spajić said the government made the decision on postponing the list for December 3.
There are times, decisions and procedures through which we mature as society. Dining the decision of the opposition, as well as the presents of the Government's session on the postponement of the Census for the 3rd December and the unique position is the step in that direction. This is proof that the new political awareness is maturing in which the interest of society and the state is above all - said Spajić at the Media Conference.
He pointed out that there were most of the representatives of the parliamentary majority in terms of the DPS's intention and the part of the opposition that announced boycott.
This is not surprising in view of what was exholing the previous days. However, the government has made a decision and a good part of the majority is with this decision. This will prove to be a good decision and that those who were rightly skeptical will, in the end, be convinced that everything will be ok - said Spajić.
This decision, states Spajić, accepted the DPS, SD and the Council of the less numerous nations.
This is important and thus, we will succeed without additional costs to achieve social cohesion that has not been seen in the last 30 years in Montenegro - Spajić emphasized.
The prime minister pointed out that this was the most incrusive possible process.
All political parties were part of this process - parties, NGOs and other factors, they all made a significant agreement, and the parliament gave a large stamp to amend the Law on the List - said Spajić.
As he pointed out, as he pointed out, answered in a record time and in less than the moon, a demanding process is closed.
From zero we brought him to that they were practically all happy. We have a process control unseen so far, did not exist in 2011. Neither 2003 - on five excavators for a higher level than then. The census will qualitatively show that we have progressed as society in the last 10 or 20 years - Spajić stated.
The time will show, the Spajić emphasized, that it was essential to move in a completely different approach to problem solving.