After yesterday's negotiations, according to the reliable knowledge of the Antenna M, the leaders of PES Milojko Spajić will form a government with the Prospin and Prorusian Parties, without the parties of minority peoples and coalition together.
Minority parties' bodies will give the final decision on the Spajić's offer but it is quite certain what an attitude will take.
The sources of the Antenna M say that the Bosniak Party refused the last proposal of the expected mandate, which was more unfavorable than the original, also unacceptable for BS.
We had bigger challenges 2016 and 2020. So we knew we made the right decisions. Without a systemic ministry, without a place to make strategic decisions for our country, without a guarantee that the government will be pro-European, the Proatlantic ... Such an offer for BS is not acceptable, "says the source of our portal and adds that, obviously" some ministries Forbidden for Bosniaks ".
In the last space, there was no Ministry of Education in the Bosniak Party. For that resort, the United Montenegro has shown the interest in the last day. Allegedly, as well as for the Ministry of Culture, a kind of "veto" that these ministries belong to the Minority Nations, the Church of Serbia / Serbian.
Nor other minority parties, according to our knowledge, are not ready to enter the 44th government for identical reasons.
The Spajić, in his own opportunity, realized that he had no sufficient support for the Government with minority parties within the parliamentary list of the PES and practically obeyed the party to form a cabinet from ZBCG, Democrats and SNP. This coalition will have a clear majority of 46 deputies.
The question is whether in such circumstances, however, a kind of partnership with the GP UR is possible. For the entry of the Dritan Abazovic party, he advocated the executive powerful during the negotiations his coalition partner in the past elections of Aleks Bečić.
It is practically, therefore, that Montenegro will receive the Government without a single deputies from political entities that renewed state independence, introduced it to NATO and positioned the Western foreign policy track. In Spajic's announcements, the priority is to meet the European Agenda, and it will, paradoxically, to implement with partners who are idologically-politically in Belgrade, Moscow and the Church of Serbia / SPC as a doctrinal anti-West-oriented religious community.