Yesterday, the government adopted the proposal of the technical rebalance of the budget in which nothing was essentially changed, but only funds are harmonized with the real needs of consumer units, Prime Minister Milojko Spajić announced.
The technical rebalance was absolutely necessary for several reasons. Primarily because we have not had enough allocated funds in the budget for the payment of social, pensions and earnings for this year, and of course we had to increase - said Spajić at the press conference after the Government's session.
Also, one project of the European Union (EU) must have been included in the rebalance.
The rebalance is a technical character, essentially nothing that is about the government policy for this year, we only harmonized with the real needs of the consumer units we have jointly. We saw that in many positions, despite redirection, there were not enough funds, so we were simply forced to a technical rebalance, or we would not be able to pay all these things - Spajić explained.
Speaking of the budget for the next year, he said they were during the preparation.
Simply, you need to adopt a technical rebalance to have a cross section such as the budget for this year, to prepare the budget for the next one. So you must have the starting state and that is why the technical rebalance is very important to adopt in the Assembly as soon as possible and we will run it in urgent procedure for voting - Spajić said. When asked if the budget proposal for the next year will be submitted to the Assembly by November 15, Spajić replied that it was a very short time, but will definitely be voted until December 31, not to enter temporary financing.
The Prime Minister is answering the question of whether something from Europe USA 2 program will be found in the budget and from which the money will be financed, said to be fiscally neutral.
We will have additional income for each additional expense. As for pension, there will be money in the budget. With the part of the Europa USA, we will go from January 1 next year - said Spajić.
He added that at the session, the European Commission (EC) development plan (EC) for the Western Balkans, which amounts to about six billion euros.
Montenegro is expected to take over some 420 million of those six billion. I think Montenegro doesn't need to look at what that allocation is, but to try to take as much as possible, "Spajić said.
He stated that the government faced the problem, because there are no too many ripe projects.
The realization of the capital budget for this year is about it. We have very few projects that we can run for the next year - Spajić said.
He announced that he met with the presidents of municipalities and mayors with whom he tried to communicate on the list, as well as that he would soon make a similar meeting and about the capital budget.
Spajić believes that Montenegro airports are, a bottleneck. " -Weize the consequences for infrastructure inconsistencies. We will do our best to do a quality solution by the end of the year to repair the desperate state - said the Prime Minister.