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Standard: Western Special Diplomats requested to implement the security sector reform

The mandate for the composition of the new Government, Milojko Spajić, received suggestions with several European and Euro-Atlantic addresses that his first task after the election of the Prime Minister should be the security sector reform (ANB), the Portal Standard from Diplomatic Circles.

According to several informal diplomatic sources of this portal, part of the important Western partner services are especially indignant in this area, both due to non-professionalism and lack of results in recent times, but even more due to the strong influence of Russian and Serbian services in the intelligence sector of Montenegro .

The same sources state that in years ago, the Montenegrin intelligence service was their key partner in Montenegro, but also in the region, which has made a strong contribution to the fight against security risks and in the Western Balkans, but also the locomotive of our country's progress on the road Euro-Atlantic integration. Ever since the conducted MilosevicCrnogorska's intelligence service, together with western partners, a strong dam against destabilizing policies in the region and the influence of third countries to this area. In a series of later events, the service proved the firm commitment to Western values and showed determination, but also the ability to try to try to put this area under the control of entities, which are on anti-European and Euro-Atlantic positions.

Precisely because of her importance in this plan, she was first to hit Russian and Serb intelligence structures after the changes made on August 20, 2020, who realized through their obedients infiltrated into the structures of the new government. Immediately after the establishment of the Applicant Government, Russian and Serbian services went into a strong calculation with the National Security Agency with the aim of its full decomposition and destruction of capacities that have given strong resistance to their influence to this area. In a short time, the Agency was compromised in public and international partners, and its most experienced members are marginalized or completely remote from the work process. In this way, they expected that their key opponent in Montenegro would be permanently destroyed.

Although in the initial period from key international addresses, the background activity of the new authorities in the security sector was recognized, later provided them with a completely clear picture of the cremus. Western partners have become aware that their efforts make this area in part of Euro-Atlantic structures become vain due to a strong obstructment by the Russian Federation implemented in cooperation with individual regional centers, and through individuals infilated in new authorities, especially the security sector. It has become clear to them that the intelligence war with Russian services in the Western Balkans could not obtain without a strong partner in this area.

For this reason, the sources state that Western partners are extremely interested in the reform of the Montenegrin intelligence sector, especially in a situation where the security risks in the region, and especially in the light of Russian interests, are threatened to restate this area. In such a situation, in the opinion of the source, the existence of a stable partner is extremely important in the ability, whose primarily reliability, but also the determination and ability to tackle malignant impacts in this area will not be doubts.

Therefore, in the first conversations with the future Prime Minister from Brussels and Washington Addresses, the importance of intelligence security structures for the overall progress of the state, with the suggestions of this area to pay special attention to the constitution of the new authorities. Spajic is pointed out that the situation in the intelligence sector is catastrophic, and that urgently must be improved, and the consequences of mis-governments have been removed to the foundation in recent years. Special must be paid attention to the stopping of Russian and Serbian influence, which, as they consider it, reached a worrying scale.

Diplomatic sources also state that the future Prime Minister was explicitly noticed that any possibility of an outgoing premiere in the technical mandate and president and the President of the Ura-EDRITAN ABAZOVICS, ie all the staff who are in any way related to it connected .

Abazovic has been recognized as the main culprit for the derogation of this sector at these addresses, and his postponnes became apparent after the ex-director of Anb-Asawa Kenter, who had the full support of the Montenegrin intelligence service and point it in the right direction. However, after a strong impact on the Russian agency network that was implemented under his leadership, and the announcement of the activities on that plan, Abazovic made an express decision to remove the Center and return to the Prorussian track again, and Despite the strong opposition to Brussels such a decision.


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