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Subsequent wit or admonition of international partners

Montenegrin authorities sent an invitation late afternoon to the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) Invitation to monitor parliamentary elections scheduled for June 11.

The day after the victory announced that the OSCE was not referred to such an invitation, which is in question to practice the international observers, the Montenegrin authorities, as confirmed to us in the ODIHR, called this international organization to form. An observer mission for our country, which will take Odihr and do most likely next week.

During the day, yesterday during the day, winning the ODIHR headquarters in Poland announced that the invitation was not yet referred to, but that, the authorities expressed readiness to do.

In order to be able to observe all aspects of the election, a timely call is needed and we look forward to receiving such a call from the competent present days - said from ODIHR.

A couple of hours later, and the day after the victory was asked for the question of whether and when they called the OSCE and ODIHR to follow the elections, the President Danijela Đurović sent to international observer institutions.

Answering the question why Montenegro has not yet referred to for international election partners, whether it is hoping that the election would not be, the Prime Minister in the Technical Mandation of Dritan Abazovic said that the deadline is for it until May 6, and that is that the ingredence of the Assembly.

Do we need observers or not ... if the elections are as in the first round, Montenegro will be able to send its observers to the countries of the European Union (EU) - said Sarcastic Abazovic.

On several occasions, the Prime Minister announced that the Decree of Milo Djukanovic on the dissolution of parliament was unconstitutional and expressed the Assembly to shorten the mandate, which would mean the date of announcing the deadline for extraordinary parliamentary elections.

In addition, Abazovic also pointed out the possibility that the elected President Jakov Milatović, after the inauguration on May 21, annull the decree of his predecessor Djukanovic, which would retroactively mean the annulment of the decision on the election on June 11.

According to the information of the victory, Milatović rejected the idea of undoing the decree, and mostly in parliament, which would vote for the shortening of the mandate of the Assembly - there is no.

After clear warnings of the Ambassador Quint, which were presented to the Governments in Montenegro, obviously that the President of the Assembly was a forced move and called the OdiHR observation mission. At the same time, the competitor of OdiHR was recently completed for the selection of observers.


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