The average salary in Montenegro for December last year exceeded one thousand euros for the first time and amounted to 1,012 euros.
In Croatia, the average salary is 1322 euros, in Serbia 824 euros, and in Bosnia and Herzegovina 708 euros, Index writes.
The average salary in December last year was even 198 euros higher than at the same time a year earlier, in December 2023, when it amounted to 814 euros.
The average net salary for December compared to the same month in 2023 recorded an increase of as much as 24.3 percent.
Continuous growth
The average salary without taxes and contributions for December last year, according to Monstat data, was 1.9 percent higher than for November, i.e. it recorded continuous monthly growth throughout 2024.
"If we take into account that consumer prices in December recorded a decrease of 0.1 percent compared to November, it follows that real wages for the same period recorded a growth of two percent," the statement said. Monstat said that last year the average gross salary amounted to 1,080 euros, while the average net salary was 876 euros. They state that if we take into account that consumer prices recorded an increase of 3.3 percent last year compared to 2023, it follows that real wages for the same period recorded an increase of 7.1 percent.