Author: M.J.
The Montenegrin Conservative Party will organize a peaceful gathering in front of the misdemeanor court in Podgorica on the occasion of a discriminatory relationship according to Professor Dr. Boban Batrićevic.
The reason, according to the President of this Party Boris Lalović, discrepancy to initiate a misdemeanor proceedings, which was signed by the State Prosecutor's Snežan Šišević, and was sent to Professor Dr. Batricevic for his columns published on August 11, 2023 on the portal of the Antenna M.
We express a deep disagreement and dissatisfaction with the treatment of Professor Dr. Batricevic to which the basic human right - freedom of expression is denied. As we previously pointed out in the public proclamation of our party from October 28, 2023, we are publicly and decisively, we stand by all discriminatory actions of the current authority - Lalović pointed out.
Professor Batrićević, as he adds, personally do not know in the CKP.
He is not a member of our party. He is an academic citizen, a professor of the Montenegrin language, who with an open critical attitude towards the current regime, leads the fight to return to true Montenegrin values. Therefore, we stand on the path of unfounded accusations and persecutions towards everyone who advocates for fair, national, multiethnic and civil Montenegro. We don't give anyone, we don't give our own, "Lalovic said.