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The Episcopal House in Nikšić reconstructed despite the obstructions of the top of the CPC

A few years ago, the local administration in Nikšić assigned the summer residence of King Nicholas to the Montenegrin Orthodox Church for use. It was about a building that was completely ruined and it was a real challenge to dare to reconstruct it and bring it into use. Bishop Boris of Ostroško-Nikšić joined in this work with friends, benefactors, believers and admirers of the CPC. The works lasted a long time, and the crown of that work is the magnificent building where believers and admirers of the CPC gather in Nikšić. And all this would not be so important if this work was supported by the top of the CPC led by Metropolitan Mihail. On the contrary, from the very beginning, they did everything to prevent the realization of this project. Thanks to the people around Mihail, stories began to circulate in the public that a huge amount of money intended for the CPC was illegally invested in the Episcopal House in Nikšić, and that Bishop Boris was the only one responsible for it. however, the truth, as it always happens, is different. Mihailo and his cohorts failed to obstruct the reconstruction of this magnificent and extremely important building for the CPC, so they resorted to well-known methods of spreading lies and manipulations in order to compromise Bishop Boris and all that he did in Nikšić and for the CPC. And he did, as we have already said, everything by himself with the help of his friends, who, in addition to finances, actively got involved in the reconstruction of the Episcopal House. Everyone who came to that building during those few months, as the reconstruction lasted, could see their fellow citizens, as well as Bishop Boris with construction tools in his hands, engaged in masonry, painting, cleaning and other tasks. They looked at Bishop Boris, who with his act showed that he is like his parishioners and that he cares about their spiritual well-being, as well as the CPC itself. How dedicated the top of the CPC was to this project, which is among the most important for the CPC, is best shown by the fact that Metropolitan Mihailo never wanted to allocate a single euro for this work, but also the fact that he never visited it during the works. All the necessary funds, materials and manpower was provided by Bishop Boris with the help of the honorable citizens of Nikšić, believers and admirers of the CPC. embezzlement, and they are dishonorably accusing Bishop Boris. That is why we are sure that all honorable Montenegrins, believers and admirers of the CPC know where they belong on the Sunday of September 3.

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