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The Forum for the Protection of Human Rights of Milivoje Katnić was founded

Milivoje Katnić's Forum for the Protection of Human Rights was established yesterday in Podgorica, which consists of 132 intellectuals from Montenegro and abroad.
The writer Milorad Mijo Popović was elected as the president of the Forum.
"The great terror that the state of Montenegro is carrying out against Milivoj Katnić today is comparable only to the fascist and Stalinist processes, in which, in the thirties of the 20th century, innocent people died because of their political or national affiliation," the announcement states.
With the declaration addressed to the domestic, regional and international public, the Forum wants to warn that, as they say, the state terror of the Montenegrin Vishinskis is slowly turning Montenegro into the Gulag Archipelago.
The declaration on the occasion of the establishment of the Forum is transmitted in its entirety:
"Human rights and freedoms are being massively violated in Montenegro today. Montenegro is the only European country, along with the autocratic states of Russia and Belarus, where political opponents are imprisoned. Political revanchism is carried out, political and ideological opponents, officials of the former government are arrested , ministers, judges, prosecutors, directors of public companies and agencies for the prevention of corruption, university professors and academics, with fabricated and fabricated accusations of abuse of position, corruption and alleged affiliation with criminal organizations. and numerous public employees, intellectuals, journalists and civil activists were placed under secret surveillance measures.
The persecution and imprisonment of middle-aged and retired former officials, in their seventh and eighth decades of life, was preceded by a public lynching by the regime's newspapers, and their bringing to the prosecutor's office was carried out in parallel with the brutal violation of human rights, international standards and conventions: in the presence of cameras, the bound suspects were executed by masked policemen with long pipes. In addition to violations of the law and the Constitution, investigations are delayed and without trials, indictments and verdicts, the accused are kept in custody for months and in some cases years.
The overall political environment in Montenegro, the state of democracy in it, is also evidenced by the fact that in the explanation for extending the detention of Milivoj Katnić, his private telephone communication with well-known Montenegrin journalists and writers was cited as an aggravating circumstance, only because, professionally performing their work, defended law and freedom, protected human rights and the presumption of innocence.
The political persecution of Milivoj Katnić is a precedent even for regimes of hybrid fascism. Because in the criminal law sense, the accusations with which the Special Prosecutor's Office accuses its former boss - that he allegedly protected certain members of a criminal organization, even though it was Katnić who arrested and prosecuted dozens of them, and for participation in an alleged war crime - are strangely reminiscent of processes during Italian fascism, Francoism and Stalinism, where prosecutors were above judges and the law.
In the political context, the persecution of Milivoj Katnić is similar to the Dreyfus affair due to its background, nationalist intolerance and recklessness. In truth, the social and political role of Katnić in relation to the French captain of Jewish origin who, neither guilty nor liable, was accused of espionage is incomparably more significant. Because the former chief special prosecutor had the most significant role in preventing the attempted coup d'état in 2016, which would have inevitably caused a civil war of incalculable consequences in Montenegro, and in which the holders of today's state power had a clear role.
Namely, Milivoje Katnić led the prosecutor-police team that exposed the preparations for the coup d'état and arrested the conspirators, which prevented civil conflicts in Montenegro and, along with the fulfillment of other conditions for admission to membership, had a decisive influence on Montenegro becoming a member of NATO in 2017 alliance. For that reason alone, Milivoje Katnić would be persona grata, respected and respected in any sovereign state. However, in today's Montenegro Milivoj Katnić, the fight for civil peace, the protection of the constitutional order and the sovereignty of the state is a magnum crimen, a great crime. In addition to political abuse of criminal prosecution and gross manipulation of the prosecutor, revenge and revenge of the worst kind is being applied to Katnić.
The supporters of the Russian-Serbian axis who won power in the elections on August 30, 2020, as is characteristic of classic ideological-political coups, turned Milivoj Katnić into the most hated person - along with former president Milo Đukanović. The political persecution of Milivoj Katnićana only testifies to the cruel fate of a zealous, capable and courageous state official, but it largely determines the near and distant future of Montenegrin society.
The arrest of Milivoje Katnić, as well as other indicted and detained, but still unconvicted former officials, in addition to the vindictiveness typical of members of authoritarian regimes, primarily serves to frighten citizens. Whether the Montenegrin prosecutor's offices and courts will function in accordance with the regulations democratic rule of law or will remain an instrument in the hands of political and criminal clans, it will crucially depend on whether Montenegro will finally stabilize as a state and society that will inherit the values ​​of liberal democracy - rule of law, human rights, presumption of innocence and media freedom.
The main task of the Forum for the Protection of Human Rights of Milivoj Katnić is to use convincing analysis and evidence to expose the ideological and political background of the case and inform the domestic and international public about the political persecution of the former special prosecutor and other incriminated officials.
The Forum for the Protection of Human Rights of Milivoj Katnić will, among other things, organize an international conference on political prisoners, the violation of individual and collective human rights and freedoms in Montenegro, will demand international arbitration regarding the extension of the detention of the sick sixty-seven-year-old detainee, whom prosecutor Miloš Šoškić declares to be homicidal - deadly for social environment - although he has never been condemned in his life so far. We will request that foreign legal experts and representatives of the democratic media attend the trial of Milivoj Katnić, in order to expose this unprecedented judicial-political-criminal farce.
Protecting the human rights of the former chief special prosecutor Milivoj Katnić and other illegally arrested political figures, as well as targeted and discriminated against writers and journalists, civil activists and professors, is of crucial importance for the defense of fundamental democratic values. Because lawlessness, ethnic and clerical nationalism and chauvinism, the combination of politics, the church and criminal-paramilitary structures creates legal and economic insecurity, apathy and fear, provincialism and prejudice, which inevitably accelerate all kinds of deterioration of Montenegro.
That is why the task of the Forum for the Protection of Human Rights of Milivoj Katnić is to point out the gross violation of human rights in the case of Milivoj Katnić, as well as to point out, with the help of domestic and international experts and human rights activists, the political and criminal background of the persecution of the former chief special prosecutor and other high-ranking officials. officials of the former regime. In a broader context, the task of the Forum is to protect the Constitution and laws, the protection of human rights and civil liberties."
Members of the Forum for the Protection of Human Rights and signatories of the Declaration:
Mijo Adžić, akademski slikar;
Ante Armanini, pisac, Hrvatska;
Miodrag MiškoBajković, arhitekta;
Dino Bajramović, novinar, Bosna i Hercegovina;
Tomica Bajsić, predsjednik Hrvatskog centra PEN-a, Hrvatska;
Snježana Banović, spisateljica, Hrvatska;
Alek Barović, crnogorski politikolog i kolumnista, doktorand na Univerzitetu u Padovi;
Đorđe Begović, građanski aktivista;
Žarko Begović, građanski aktivista;
Nikola Belada, advokat;
Nermin Bijedić, građanski aktivista, Bosna i Hercegovina;
Sonja Biserko, predsjednica Helsinškog odbora za ljudska prava, Srbija;
Vlado Bogdanić, aktivista za ljudska prava, Hrvatska;
Valentina Tina Boljević, građanska aktivistkinja;
Žarko Božović, građanski aktivista;
Ahmed Burić, pisac, Bosna i Hercegovina;
Mihailo Burić, red. prof. dr;
Aleksandra Burzan, građanska aktivistkinja;
Nenad Čanak, političar, Srbija;
Adnan Čirgić, prof. dr, predsjednik Crnogorskog PEN centra;
Ranko Ćetković, magistar političkih nauka, Hrvatska;
Ana Đukanović, advokatica;
Bojan Đuranović, politikolog;
Branislav BranoĐuranović, mašinski inženjer;
Roman Đuranović, slikar;
Vladimir Đuranović, slikar, redovni profesor;
Slavko Đurđić, novinar;
Branka Đuričković, dipl. ecc.;
Milovan Đuričković, dipl. ecc.;
Mia Evans Kesselman, dr, Njemačka
Davor Gjenero, politikolog, Hrvatska;
Jason Gold, Chief International Foreign Policy Advisor, Institute for the Protection of Democratic Values, Velika Britanija;
Irena Ilić, građanska aktivistkinja;
Azur Imširović, politikolog, Bosna i Hercegovina;
Darko Ivanović, novinar, reditelj i NVO aktivista;
Ervin Jahić, pisac, Hrvatska;
Luka Jovanović, advokat, Srbija;
Milan Jovanović, predsjednik Foruma za bezbjednost i demokratiju, Srbija;
Slobodan Jovanović, publicista;
Vido Jovanović, građanski aktivista;
DaniloKalezić, politički analitičar, saradnik na UCG;
Milorad Katnić, prof. dr;
Radan Katnić, dip. ecc.;
Radomir Katnić, ppukovnik u penziji;
Katnić Slavko, službenik;
Dražen Katunarić, pisac, Hrvatska;
Željko Kavaja, građanski aktivista;
Enver Kazaz, prof. dr, Bosna i Hercegovina;
Nena Keselmann, predsjednica udruženja Montenegro, Njemačka;
Slavko Kljajić, građanski aktivista;
Aleksandar Konatar, mr ek. nauka;
Boro Kontić, novinar, Bosna i Hercegovina;
Proročić Božidar, pisac;
Elifa Kriještorac, aktivistica Amnesty International, Njemačka;
Hajdana Lompar Huter, Centar za građanska prava;
Marko Ljubić, novinar, Hrvatska;
Marjan Marković, advokat;
Zoran Zonjo Marković, The Books of Knjige;
Nikola Martinović, advokat;
Veljko K.Martinović, građanski aktivista, predsjednik MEDYART, Španija;
Danilo Marunović, reditelj i producent;
Dragica Milić, pravnica;
SašaMrduljaš, prof. dr politikologije, Hrvatska;
Nebojša Mrvaljević, građanski aktivista, Forum slobodnih građana Luča;
Marina Mugoša, pravnica;
Jasmina Muminović, novinarka, vlasnica i glavna i odgovorna urednica portala Standard;
Sonja Nedović, građanska aktivistkinja;
Jašo Nikač, dipl. inž. maš.;
Tamara Nikčević, novinarka;
Anto Nobilo, advokat, Hrvatska;
Boris A.Novak, prof. dr, ppredsjednik Međunarodnog PEN-a, Slovenija;
Aleksandar Olenik, advokat, Srbija;
Žaklina Oštir, glumica;
Dijana Pajković, predsjednica Crnogorskog kulturnog društva Montenegro, Slovenija;
Ivana Pajović, građanska aktivistkinja, Centar za građanska prava;
Lazar Pajović, kapetan duge plovidbe;
Musić Svetlana Pajović, građanska aktivistkinja, Centar za građanska prava;
Neven Pajović, predsjednik Društva Montenegro-UK Society, Velika Britanija;
Antun Pavešković, pisac, Hrvatska;
Senad Pećanin, advokat, Bosna i Hercegovina;
Ana Pejović, doktorandica i magistrica književnosti;
Željko Perović, ambasador;
Ljiljana Pešić, građanska aktivistkinja;
Danijela Popović, grafička dizajnerka;
Milorad Popović, književnik, predsjednik Crnogorskog društva nezavisnih književnika;
Nenad Popović, pisac, Hrvatska;
Ivica Prtenjača, pisac, Hrvatska;
Vukić Pulević, akademik CANU;
Vesna Pusić, prof. dr, bivša ministrica vanjskih i europskih poslova Republike Hrvatske, Hrvatska;
Aleksandar Radoman, doc. dr, dekan FCJK;
Aleksandra Radoman-Kovačević, građanska aktivistkinja;
Šeki Radončić, novinar, pisac, antiratni aktivista i borac za ljudska prava, direktor NVO „Dokument“;
Dragan Radović, građanski aktivista;
Ljubo Radović, predsjednik Saveza Crnogoraca Hrvatske, Hrvatska;
Vedran Radović, građanski aktivista;
Ana Radulović, pravnica;
Branislav Radulović, prof. dr, predsjednik Udruženja pravnika Crne Gore;
Momčilo Radulović, predsjednik Evropskog pokreta u Crnoj Gori;
Biljana Radusinović, dip. ecc.;
Maja Raković, građanska aktivistkinja;
Aleksandar Sekulović, dr, pravnik i politikolog, Srbija;
Violeta Senić, građanska aktivistkinja;
Nada Sineštaj, građanska aktivistkinja;
Čedomir Stojković, advokat, Srbija;
Dušan Šarotar, pisac, Slovenija;
Darko Šuković, novinar, vlasnik i glavni urednik Antene M;
Tanja Šuković, novinarka;
Marina Šur Puhlovski, spisateljica, Hrvatska;
Marijana Šutić, spisateljica, Hrvatska;
Rajko Todorović Todor, slikar, profesor;
Kosara Tošković, građanska aktivistkinja;
Ratko Tošković, građanski aktivista;
Rada Trajković, prof. dr, Evropski pokret, Srbija;
Nick Trefs, dr, bankar, Frankfurt;
Ivan Valek, akademik, Hrvatska;
Ivan Videnović, prof. dr, Srbija;
Miodrag Vlahović, dipomata, predsjednik CHO;
Azem Vlasi, advokat, Kosovo;
Nebojša Vučinić, prof. dr, bivši sudija Evropskog suda;
Čedomila VujoševićĐurđić, pjesnikinja i novinarka;
Sreten Vujović, akademik DANU, potpredsjednik Crnogorskog PEN centra;
Branka Vukašinović, dipl. kulturolog;
Danica Vukašinović, mr psihologije;
Ljubica Vukašinović, diplomirani ekonomista;
Slavoljub Vukašinović, diplomirani ekonomista;
Vesna Vukčević, građanska aktivistkinja;
Srđan Vukmirović, građanski aktivista iz dijaspore, Kanada;
Dragana Vuković, pravnica;
Zoran Vuković, pravnik;
Zoran Vuletić, političar, Srbija;
Zoran Vulević, književnik, pisac;
Predrag Peđa Vušurović, građanski aktivista.

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