The Human Rights Action (HRA) Today, the United Nations Special Report on Torture of Jill Edwards of the Processing Police Torture in the investigation of so-called "testimonial extortions, which are partly confirmed by the torture Recently published Portal Libertas, as well as the persistent rejection of the Minister of the Interior of Filip Adzic to apply the right and suspend inspectors against which criminal proceedings were conducted for torture.
From this non-governmental organization, they remind them that due to inefficient investigation, the applications of Torture Jovan Grujičić, Marko Benjamin and Benjamin Mugoša previously addressed the Special Rapporton on Torture Nils Melcer in July 2020.
In August, in the same year, the Deputy Prime Minister of Stainerte Working Group referred to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro on the occasion of this case and pointed out the need for relevant international standards, freedom and security persons with disabilities, including psychosocial disabilities . They also appealed all the necessary measures to prevent similar injuries from repetition, but also determined the responsibility of those who made these injuries - point out of the HRA.
The new special rapporteur informed the fact that he had no accused for extortion of the testimony from Jovan Grujičič, and that the trial against the accused of extending the testimony from Marko Boljevic did not even start after almost a year from the accusation.
22 reports were notified of the testimony of the CRA registered in the previous three years, which have not been efficiently researched. We also informed the Special Investor on the photographs of the Police Torture, which confirmed that in Elek Police ranks in 2020 and 2021, there was a regular application of torture, which has also been performed by unpunished and its perpetrators in the Police Administration - listed is in a statement.
They pointed out, and to persistently refusal of the Minister of the Interior in Filip Adzic's technical mandate suspected until the end of the criminal proceedings and the laws on the Committee against Torture Montenegro from 2014 and 2020 that all civil servants under investigation are immediately taken away from duty and stay away during the duration of the criminal proceedings.
They asked her to send a letter to the Government on the occasion of that case.
The Special Reportiary may decide that the Government and / or other competent state bodies shall inform the letter to the request to declare certain circumstances regarding these applications. If this happens, the state will have a 60-day period to answer that letter. A special rapporteur can also send urgent communication to the Government, if he believes that some situation should be addressed in as soon as possible - they said from the human rights action.
The Montenegrin government has an obligation to inform the UN-year-to-date on the previous year to investigate the reporting of testimony in 15 cases in which the HRH was informed by the Supreme State Prosecutor's Office of Montenegro and the Committee in April last year.
Human rights action is committed to the application of the absolute ban on torture and other inhuman or degrading in Montenegro and to this end benefits the human rights protection at the domestic and international level.