The proposal of the Law on Property Defining, which the Government of Montenegro supported at today's session, according to the European Commission's assessment should be improved in order to achieve an efficient response to corruption and organized crime. The European Commission gave a negative assessment at this draft law, stated that an expert analysis indicates serious risks and challenges that would occur if the law would be adopted in its present form.
The non -governmental organization Mans urged the Assembly to return the Government adopted to a public debate by the proposal of amendment to the Law on the Property of the Property adopted by yesterday. Executive Director Vanja Ćalović Marković invites the Prophets not to support this law because, as she says, she will create chaos in the system
“Although we have been waiting for a political will to come for 30 years, that we can be expected to take away the property acquired in an illegal way, we have received one solution that will absolutely not enable this. On the contrary, it will enable those who will illegally enrich themselves with no return to the state budget and bearing any consequences because the way the Ministry of Justice guarantees that there will be no results, ”said Markovic Calovic.
DPS Epistle to Jovanka Lalicic said the radio of Montenegro that this law is not the first, which the Government adopts without respecting the recommendations of European and Venetian commissions and other international partners.
“The law, as we know, is offered by the public eye without consultations and public discussions with lay and professional public, primarily with representatives of the judiciary and the patron saint of property-legal interests. Despite all this, going to the prime minister expects the undivided support of all the Prophets, which is really absurd, ”Lalicic emphasized.
A letter that has appeared in the media regarding the proposal of the Amendments to the Law on the Defense of the Property Valuation acquired by criminal activity does not represent the opinion of the European Commission but a regulatory letter, and it is, to the most part, the fear of the future implementation of this Law, and not The normative part itself, the Ministry of Justice said. They also add that the expert of the European Commission in its legal assessment states that the law itself can be accepted, with certain and already formulated comments. By the beginning of this show, we failed to get the comment from a parliamentary majority representative.