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The majority did not accept the opposition's proposal to address the VK the day after the Budva Municipal Assembly session; Possible earlier session of the Budva parliament, simultaneously with the state budget issue?


Today's Collegium, which brought together government and opposition MPs, began with the assessment of the President of the Parliament Andrija Mandić that the parliamentary majority believes that the Constitution was not violated in the Constitutional Committee when Constitutional Court judge Dragana Đuranović was dismissed, and that everything was done in accordance with the law, Antena M has learned.

As a source told us, Mandić invited PES's Vasilije Čarapic to take the floor, after which Čarapic offered an agreement that implies that the MPs jointly address the Venice Commission, that they commit to respecting the opinion, and that at the same time the Parliament is unblocked.

After Čarapic, as we learn, the head of the DPS MP club spoke, Andrija Nikolić, who asked Čarapic whether this was an agreement offered by PES or the parliamentary majority. Čarapić allegedly replied that it was an offer from PES.

According to our sources, Andrija Nikolić then asked Čarapić whether they were open to the agreement including the agreed conditions of the opposition, to which Čarapić replied that they did not exclude the possibility of expanding the agreement.

According to our sources, Andrija Mandić insisted that they only make a statement in relation to the Venice Commission.

When asked by Nikolić whether they were ready to address the Venice Commission the day after the session of the local parliament in Budva and for it to be a joint address, PES (Boris Pejović and Vasilije Čarapić) said that they had waited a long time until then.

The head of the DPS Writers' Club allegedly pointed out that there was a possibility that the government could schedule a session in Budva earlier, to which, at that moment, the representatives of the parliamentary majority were undecided and, at Mandić's request, withdrew to consult, Antena M has learned.

In the meantime, a break was given and it was agreed to continue the talks for the following week.

"In the meantime, Boris Pejović contacted Andrija Nikolić by phone and said that there is a general willingness to move the date of the session in Budva earlier. He proposes that the Budva Municipal Assembly session be held on the same day as the Assembly session where the budget would be voted on," claims Antena M's source.

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