Today, the Media Center sent an invitation to the President of Montenegro to publicly condemn the RTCG Council's refusal to implement a final court decision.
As they point out, the president promised in his inaugural speech that he would stand for respect for the constitutional principle of the rule of law, so they expect him to make clear decisions regarding the refusal to implement the final judgment of the High Court in the case of the illegal appointment of RTCG director general Boris Raonic.
As you know, on June 1, the president and 4 members of the RTCG Council (Veselin Drljević, Filip Lazović, Naod Zorić, Predrag Miranović and Amina Murić) carried out legal violence by ignoring the final court verdict and re-electing Boris Raonic the position of general director of RTCG. We would like to remind you that on May 10, the High Court issued a verdict confirming the verdict of the Basic Court that Boris Raonic was illegally elected to the position of General Director of RTCG in August 2021 due to the existence of a conflict of interest because at the time of his appointment he was a member of the Council of the Electronic Media Agency, which Prohibited by the Act on RTCG - the Media Center points out.
The verdict left the RTCG Council with the option to choose a new general director from among the remaining candidates in the 2021 competition or to re-announce the competition. The judgment of the High Court clearly states: "The legal consequence of the cancellation of the decision on the appointment is a re-selection between the applied candidates or the cancellation of the competition, in which procedure the defendant has the opportunity to reconsider the remaining applications and to make a decision in accordance with the law."
The Basic State Prosecutor's Office launched an ex officio investigation into this case, and the Media Center filed criminal charges against members of the RTCG Council who participated in the criminal act, as well as against those who encouraged Council members to commit a criminal act.
We invite you to be aware of the consequences, condemn the refusal to implement a final court verdict and send a clear message to the public that disrespecting court decisions is not acceptable. If you too, as the political parties have done, ignore the final verdicts, then you become an accomplice in the collapse of the rule of law. We believe that you may have an additional motive in this case, because as the Minister of Economic Development and a second-level authority, you prevented the Directorate for Inspection Affairs-Labor Inspection from verifying the legality of the appointment of Boris Raonic to the position of general director. I am using this opportunity to inform you that the Administrative Court, to which the Media Center filed a lawsuit against the second-instance decision, has not considered this case even after almost two years - it is stated in the Media Center's address to Milatović.
They point out that the silence of the highest state officials as well as the procrastination of the prosecution's decisions sends a clear message to the citizens that neither they nor any legal subjects should respect the final decisions of the courts.
When the Council of the RTCG and the illegally elected General Director Raonic do not understand that the consequence of their decision is that the RTCG no longer has any legitimacy to demand responsibility and review anyone's work, we expect you to show more understanding for the consequences of this act - concludes the Media Center.