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The number of votes that Đukanović won in the elections is a good basis for the result on June 11

The Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) is seriously preparing for the upcoming parliamentary elections. We believe that the number of votes won by our candidate in the presidential elections represents a good basis for the very good result of our party on June 11, said acting party president Danijel Živković.
He said that their political competitors and the centers of power close to them also know this.
And that's why they are trying to challenge the rating of our party with combined forces, with constant attacks and fabricated interrogations... We ask them: are we in power these two and a half years, or are you? Look around you at the effects of your government. What do schools look like, what do hospitals look like, what do once successful companies look like to us, there are no innovative things in them... It all came down to hiring new people regardless of competitions and the law... Investments have completely stopped, there are no new investments and started projects are failing. The mirror of the preparation of the tourist season is the traffic collapse in Boka Kotorska - said Živković, addressing the citizens and DPS activists, during a tour of the municipal and local committees of the Democratic Party of Socialists.
In his address to those present, Acting of the DPS president referred to the upcoming parliamentary elections.
We are aware that time is running fast... As the elections approach, nervousness is growing on our political scene, because some parties realize that they have spent a lot of time without doing anything for the citizens or the state, and we are sure that on June 11, as what all research says, support for them to be minor. That's why it's no wonder that they don't choose a way to postpone the elections, if necessary, by trampling the Constitution and the law - he said.
Živković believes that it is the duty of all DPS members and activists to talk to citizens in order to explain all the advantages of the policy they represent as well as the state in which Montenegro is, where, according to him, unwise policies have slowed down economic development and stopped the path to the EU, where institutions of culture and education have collapsed.
We are not unrealistic, let's say when we were in power - everything was ideal?! Of course not - but the country was moving forward, we didn't have this much violence at all levels, there wasn't this much insecurity among citizens, we didn't have institutional chaos, we didn't have an empty health fund, months-long queues for examinations, surgeries, lack of medicine... This country must have a serious government that is seriously engaged in politics, solving personal but state issues that concern all citizens, and I am sure that the results will not fail - said Živković.
Immediately after he was elected acting president at the session of the DPS Main Board at the beginning of the month. the president of the party, Danijel Živković undertook a series of activities aimed at strengthening the party network and strengthening the infrastructure. In the previous days, Živković visited numerous cities.
In the past few days, he visited the municipal committees in Cetinje, Danilovgrad, Kotor, Tivat, and also met with the Women's Alliance and the Youth Council.
M. J.

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