On the page of network X "PES against fake news" a reaction to today's statement of the former Minister of Justice Andrej Milović, who announced that he has an "intuition" about who will get the job for the Mateševo - Andrijevic section, was published.
"FAKE NEWS: EBRD IS CONDUCTING THE ENTIRE TENDER PROCEDURE for the Andrijevica-Mateševo highway and the executive power in Montenegro has absolutely no influence on the final decision. Does this mean that the EBRD is being accused of underhanded deals with Balkan companies? Ignorance or bad intentions?", it is stated in that response.
Although the page "PES against fake news" does not state that it is officially owned by the Movement Europe Now, its content has been shared by Prime Minister Milojko Spajić in recent days.
The page shows the targeting of the media in Montenegro, under accusations of publishing fake news.
On the occasion of today's announcement on the page, Milović also reacted.
"One is the preparation of project documentation, the other is the execution of works, and the third is supervision. One is the financing of the project or the tender procedure, the second is the tender procedure, and the third is the selection of bidders. One is who finances the project or part of the project, and the other is who supervises it and whom the state will choose to carry out that supervision. Whatever Prime Minister Milojko Spajić is lying, his "against" profile is also lying," said Milović.
What does the "PES Against Fake News" page publish?
The page "PES against fake news" was founded in August of this year, the first post was published on August 2nd.
The page follows 39 other profiles, mostly officials of the Europe Now Movement.
In its posts, the page targets the Montenegrin media, that is, their writing, labeling it as "fake news".