After unknown perpetrators took away six state flags that were hung on the fence in front of the Church of the Virgin in Ćipur, Cetinje, four new ones were placed.
According to information from Radio Cetinje, the flags disappeared in the night between Monday and Tuesday. Nevertheless, the citizens of Cetinje immediately organized themselves and put Montenegrin flags in front of the church again.
The police were informed about the case of the missing flag.
On January 14 this year, a group of citizens replaced the Montenegrin flags on the fence of the Cetinje monastery, as well as on the church in Ćipur.
Flags have their significance in our struggle. Everything will be assembled and vacuum sealed and will wait for the day when it will end up in the Cetinje Museum, as a symbol of the fight against the occupiers of the Montenegrin sanctuaries - said one of the citizens at the time.
M. J.