The Police Directorate reacted after the publication of a video in the media, where a group of men can be seen who, led by a person of security interest - Stojan Sekulović, enter the premises of the Communal Police in Bar, stating that votes are being bought there.
As the police said, in relation to the video that was published, they are taking responsibility for finding Sekulović.
They add that the prosecutor is familiar with the recording, who ordered that the video surveillance be removed and that information be collected from several persons, after which he will declare the qualification of the crime.
As the police said, in addition to this event, last night at 10:30 p.m. a person approached the premises of the Bar police who reported that Sekulović had called him via the "Viber" application, who sent him threatening words.
The police were sent to the residential address of S.S. where this person was not found, nor in the territory of Sutomore. The incident was reported to the competent prosecutor, who ordered the police to find S.S. they will collect notifications from him and other persons and witnesses, after which they will declare the qualification of the act. Members of the Bar police are undertaking measures and actions within their jurisdiction in order to find the mentioned person - the statement concluded.
M. J.