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The Trade Union of the Public Broadcasting Service RTCG filed a lawsuit against the RTCG Council and the General Director


The Trade Union of the Public Broadcasting Service RTCG filed a lawsuit against the RTCG Council and the General Director because, as they claim, by publishing a Public Advertisement for resolving the housing needs of RTCG employees, they violated the public interest and rights of workers and long-time professionals at RTCG.

We are publishing the text of the lawsuit in full.

Based on the Law on Administrative Disputes, wishing to protect the public interest, the rights of workers and members of the Trade Union, we are filing a lawsuit:

AGAINST the RTCG Council (under an indictment) and the General Director (under several criminal charges) because by publishing a Public Advertisement for resolving the housing needs of RTCG employees, they violated the public interest and rights of workers and long-time professionals at RTCG.

The entire documentation on which the Public Advertisement is based, which was never given to the Trade Union Organization of the Public Broadcasting Service Radio and Television of Montenegro for review and comments, has formal and substantive omissions. They were made intentionally by the illegal General Director and approved by the RTCG Council, which has repeatedly illegally elected Boris Raonić, and are now under the indictment of the ODT.

The public competition, dated 27. 11. 2024. (01-8667) was announced by a committee that does not include a single lawyer from the RTCG Legal Service. The competition published on the RTCG Portal does not even have the signature of the illegal General Director. This is unfortunately a continuation of the tradition in which persons without administrative and professional experience are delegated to committees for multi-million dollar tenders. This was also the case for a time with the delegation of persons in the digitalization tender.

The Regulation on the Resolution of Housing Needs (November 26, 2024, 01-8642) itself was issued after the formation of the commission (October 30, 2024, No. 01-7754) to which the illegal director of RTCG delegated loyal people to himself, without informing the members of the previously appointed Commission that he had removed them from the composition.

Thus, today, the RTCG Portal still contains the Decision on the Formation of the Commission dated October 4, 2023 and July 5, 2023, but representatives of the Trade Union organization Public Broadcasting Service Radio and Television of Montenegro were removed from it. This was preceded by the abolition of the representativeness of the aforementioned union in an action initiated by the president of another organization of this type, called the Employees' Union, which was "accompanied" by people from the director general's office by offering benefits in distribution and discharge forms. This is already a detail that we will attach to most of the above and to the new criminal complaint of the ODT.

Therefore, the distribution of apartments in RTCG is carried out on the basis of documentation that was adopted in absolutely illegal processes with essential and formal shortcomings. It favors Raonić's followers who have recently come and received solutions with a very high coefficient even though they do not deserve it professionally, and they were handed over by an illegal director. It will be absurd if lawyers who do not participate in the work of the Commission, and who are responsible for the legal chaos in RTCG, receive apartments, even though they have only been in RTCG for a few years.

In addition to these examples, we also note that the RTCG Collective Agreement was adopted in a non-transparent procedure in which the appointed Commission never sat in full, the illegal general director put pressure on the negotiating team, especially one union.

It is interesting that the coefficients in that collective agreement were distributed without insight into the Systematization Table with job descriptions and complexity coefficients. This was later changed without insight into and approval from the Union. Thus, the official Systematization Table, which is circulating as a document on the RTCG Portal, but also in the DRI and the Revenue Administration from 2017, does not have the mentioned coefficients. The Systematization Table signed by Drljević is in internal use and its revised text was the subject of the session of April 15, 2024, but the members of the RTCG Council agreed not to adopt it, although it is essentially and numerically completely different from the one published on the Portal.

Therefore, we rightly suspect that in addition to the onerous intentions of the RTCG management, with the intention of distributing apartments to loyal people who are ready to betray their profession, there have also been drastic formal and substantive errors, legal and statutory, which do not treat people with the most knowledge, education and professional experience equally, as it should be according to the Labor Law and the principles of the Collective Agreement, but rather, by distributing solutions without criteria, irregular conditions for the distribution of apartments and lucrative gains for those who deserve it least.

We remind you that most of the members of the RTCG Council are under indictment, and Raonić is under criminal charges. We also remind you that, according to Raonić's lawyers, on August 29, 2024, with the annulment of the Decision on his appointment of August 6, 2021, all legal consequences of that decision ceased. Thus, all the acts he created lose their validity, substantive, formal and legal.

We will forward the largest part of this lawsuit to the ODT because we believe that the aforementioned actions are a continuation of the actions of an organized group that spends citizens' and state resources inappropriately.

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