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They are monitoring the actions of the police regarding the verbal and physical attacks on Marković

The Council for Citizen Control of Police Work, on its own initiative, monitors the actions of the police and checks the application of police powers regarding hate speech, threats, verbal and physical attacks on the psychologist from Bar, Petar Marković.
Marković has been exposed to various types of harassment and violence for a long time, both online and physically, on the street, in everyday life and work.
The Council asked the director of the Police Directorate for detailed information on all incidents known to the Police Directorate and the reports submitted in connection with it, what the Police Directorate has undertaken and is undertaking in relation to it, and what kind of communication has been achieved with the state prosecutor's organization - it is stated in the statement.
It is also added that the Council has expressed interest in participating in one of the meetings of the Trust Team of the LGBT community and the Police Administration, where cases of violence will be discussed and analyzed.
All members of the Council condemned the violence against Marković. The Council sends decisive support and expresses solidarity with all those in Montenegro who face non-acceptance, discrimination and violence due to diversity and personal identity - the announcement concludes.

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