At the age of 7, another protest for the support of Ukraine in Cetinje, the organizers said.
"Heroic resistance of Ukrainians and Ukrainians prevented the imperialist and neocarist intentions of Putin Russia to change the order in the world by violent and military, trying to violently changing Europe's borders. The freed place of Ukrainian citizens and their fearless fight against newly fascism, russism, in which there is no place for another and otherwise, which is a fight against a system that propagates itself as an alternative to the alleged "rotten" democratic values, "said.
The struggle in Ukraine in addition to the fight for freedom of Ukraine, according to their words, is the fight against "autocratic and despotic" rules in the world that propagates Russia and its followers as a "new direction in which the world needs to move.
"That is why the Defense of Ukraine is inextricably related to the defense of European values, the rule of law and freedom built in Europe and the world after World War II. The struggle for these European values Ukraine pays for blood today. That is why our duty is to provide them with a conscious moral and every other support to persist in their and our fight for freedom. See you in Cetinje, in the yard square at 7 p.m. Glory to Ukraine! The famous heroes ", stated the organizers of the walk in the announcement.