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Uljarević: Non-paper confirmation of regression in Montenegro's negotiations with the EU

The non-paper of the European Commission (EC) on the rule of law in Montenegro confirms that the negotiations with the European Union (EU) have not only completely stopped, but that there is a serious regression, said the Executive Director of the Center for Civic Education (CGO) Daliborka Uljarević.
The EC non-paper states that Montenegro has lost focus on key reforms, especially in the area of the rule of law.
This non-paper essentially confirms what we in the critically oriented civil sector have been pointing out for a long time, namely that the negotiations have not only completely stopped, but that we have a serious regression - Uljarević told Television E.
She assessed that the latest non-paper is far harsher compared to the previous two from 2021 and last year.
It can already be said that this is the worst and most critical non-paper we have received so far - believes Uljarević.
She said that in the paragraph, where earlier it was stated that work was being done to fulfill certain measures from action plans 23 and 24, with the encouragement that it should be more effective, stronger, now there is an assessment that European integration is no longer in focus and that serious problems have arisen that are not being adequately addressed.
Also, the blame is very clearly placed on the authorities. When I say the authorities, I mean the executive power and the parliamentary majority, because not only the famous appointment of certain holders of judicial positions did not happen, but we also have what is the lack of support for the institutions that are trying to do their job - she pointed out
As she recalled, the illegal dismissal of the director of the Police Directorate was noted, as well as the fact that apart from the work of the SDT, which is the initial phase, no legal verdict has yet been reached.
Uljarević said that what is read from the report is a deep disappointment.
Probably, the expectations of the EU were raised when this government was formed, because after all, it promised to focus on European integration, so the assessment is now significantly stricter - she said.
The fact that politicians and political structures lose credibility and integrity, as she said, is not only their loss, but has consequences for the state.
I am afraid that if this pace continues, that is, if something significant does not change in the coming period, that we risk being seen more and as a potential for a successful story, and many others have now entered that field, they are trying to impose themselves and to receive some incentives - stated the executive director of CGO.
She said that the closer period is actually the period until October.
Uljarević stated that by the time of the EC report in October, there should be at least some appointments in the judiciary.
According to her, the Ministry of Justice did not do any of its homework, "and what it was working on, it would be better if it didn't happen".
As she added, there was no work on amendments to the law on the State Prosecutor's Office and on the Judicial Council, and on the other hand, work was being done on the so-called anti-mafia law, which actually received negative comments from the EC.
All this indicates that if one more opportunity is missed, it will all have a far-reaching and negative impact on Montenegro's path to the EU, which is now de facto stopped, and I fear that the prospect will not be much more negative - stressed Uljarević.
She stated that the report emphasizes the good international cooperation of the Police Administration and SDT with institutions from the EU that deal with the same tasks.
In addition, I emphasize that the report was completed at the end of March and that these results of the police are related to the work of the former director of the Police Administration, we will see how the work of the acting director will be appreciated. who has now taken over and the one who is still in his position, which is the special state prosecutor - said Uljarević.
She stated that in that segment, the role of the prime minister is not emphasized anywhere, as she added, very often and inappropriately attributes to himself the results of those investigations he likes, and also tries to undermine the credibility of the prosecution in those things he does not like. .
"That's not how institutions are built, that's not how they get stronger, and that's what this report points to," Uljarević pointed out.
According to her, it was seen that she has a very critical attitude towards visa policy, especially in the part related to economic citizenships.
This is one example that shows how much this Government, choosing specifically in the case where there was an unsuspected message from the EC and what were some particular interests, pushed its own particular interests without any hesitation for quite a long period - concluded Uljarević.

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