Trade union activist Veselin Vujanović has today given his support to the protests of the "Ima nas" Movement. On that occasion, as a man who had never been a member of any political party, he said that his only affiliation was the union idea, the fight for a state of social justice and the fight for equality and solidarity among citizens and people.
In his address, he pointed out that the united trade unionists of the state institutions he heads have recently been silent observers of the increase in wages and the granting of certain privileges to employees financed from the budget.
Now the budget for the next year is being adopted and employees in the public sector, i.e. in state institutions, are offered a symbolic increase. We are not in a position to influence the relevant minister and ministries, and that is why I would like to express my displeasure with this action, and above all, regardless of political or any other affiliation, call on our members, our management and certainly all those who think like us to join the protest announced for Tuesday - announced Vujanović.
He emphasized that as a citizen, he is ashamed of the country he lives in, because, as he points out, Montenegro has been sent to an ordinary flea market thanks to politics.
Maybe I have the intention to buy something at the flea market, but I don't have the intention to continue living there with my family or my children - stated the trade unionist and civil activist.
At the end, he once again sent an invitation to the citizens of our country.
I support this protest and every subsequent one that is civil, because civil, social, trade union, worker solidarity is the only thing that can get this country out of this darkness - said Veselin Vujanović.