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Vuksanović Stanković: SDP collapsed the ambitions of Krivokapić, who negotiated with PES for a place in the government

Draginja Vuksanović-Stanković, a professor at the Faculty of Law and former long-time member of the SDP, accused the honorary president of that party, Ranko Krivokapić, that "due to vanity and sick ambition, he collapsed the SDP", the Antena M portal reports.
Vuksanović-Stanković told the DRV that the decision to go to last week's parliamentary elections independently was the result of Krivokapić's ambition to regain the ministerial post, which, as she states, was being negotiated with Europe now.
Speaking about the reasons that led to her winning only 3.2 percent of the vote in the presidential elections, after which she withdrew from the political scene, Vuksanović-Stanković first cites obstructions in the SDP itself.
The first reason is the vain and sick ambition of the people in my now former political party, but also various intrigues within the SDP, carried out against me for years, with the aim of pushing myself out of the political scene, because I was more popular than the 'honorary president'. Why in quotation marks? Because the honorary president should be the spiritual father of the party, not someone who destroys it from within. So, the sick ambition and vanity of some in my party and their followers is one of the factors of the bad result in the presidential elections, said Vuksanović-Stanković.
As another reason, he cites politics from one circle within the DPS with messages that "a vote for Draginja is a wasted vote."
The third factor in her opinion is the minority peoples who, as she states, for some reason did not support her despite everything she did to protect their rights and interests.
Vuksanović-Stanković also spoke about the SDP's decision to stand alone in the extraordinary parliamentary elections.
I thought that the SDP should be on the list led by Danijel Živković. This was also shown by the election results, because in that case that list would have a minimum of three more mandates, which means that it would have the most deputies and the right to get a mandate, while on the other hand, the SNP would not enter the parliament. Someone, however, due to vanity and sick ambition, wanted to regain the position of a minister in the Government after a while, and that by secretly agreeing and negotiating with Europe now, without thinking about how many people will remain in the SDP now without a job. He gradually wanted to collapse not only the SDP, but also the idea of sovereignty, said Vuksanović-Stanković and added that she was glad that the "Together" coalition achieved a better result than expected.
She also referred to statements from the SDP about the theft of votes in last week's elections
Most of the votes from the SDP were stolen by the sick ambition and vanity of Mr. Ranko Krivokapić. He committed theft in the SDP and he collapsed the SDP. When it was necessary to support Mr. Konjević and me, who had popularity, he did everything to bring us down. Why do you think Draginja Vuksanović-Stanković won fewer votes than Jakov Milatović in Cetinje? Well, because, in agreement with some of my party colleagues, the LSCG Old Guard voted for Jakov Milatović. Draginja should have been demolished where it is most popular, in Cetinje. And they succeeded - said Vuksanović-Stanković.
He also says that perhaps he should have left the SDP earlier, after the events in Cetinje regarding the formation of a coalition with the Democrats and URA.
Not because I believe that the SDP should have applauded the DPS, because the DPS collapsed and looted Cetinje as much as it could. I really support what Mr. Đurašković is doing in Cetinje, and he really did a lot for Cetinje, but politically speaking, at that moment, that way of minority support of Democrats and URE after Belvedere, was not allowed to go in that direction, said Vuksanović - Stankovic.
She did not say that she withdrew from the party at that time because she considered it immoral to leave the SDP and remain an independent MP. And in the parliament, she says, she stayed in order to defend the values she is fighting for.
When asked if her political story is closed, Vuksanović Stanković says that she is always there for Montenegro.
Whether I will continue to engage in politics depends on how the political scene in Montenegro will unfold - she stated.
She also adds that three years after the 2020 elections, Montenegro is not sovereign in the full sense, because, as she said in DRV, everything was done to collapse all institutions and the Montenegrin identity, and to bring Montenegro to its knees so that it would be easy prey for Belgrade.
The first to be hit was the education system. I address the blame for not solving identity issues to the government led by DPS. Who is to blame for the fact that, for example, the tin church from Rumija was not removed? - asks Vuksanović Stanković.
He believes that it would have been better if Milo Đukanović had retired from the post of head of DPS earlier, perhaps after the defeat in the 2020 elections. He also believes that Danijel Živković is an excellent solution and that he will remain in that position after the congress.

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