With its program, the Democratic Party of Socialists will point out obvious problems faced by citizens and offer solutions. One of the biggest challenges is how to curb the decline in standards of our citizens as a result of high inflation. It is not only the effect of the global crisis. Montenegro has prices that for many products are higher than in the countries in the region, even some of the EU member states, and our salaries and pensions are much lower, said acting DPS president Danijel Živković during a visit to the party's Municipal Committee in Herceg Novi.
As part of a multi-week tour of party infrastructure in municipalities across Montenegro, Živković held numerous meetings with citizens of different political orientations and of different ages.
I have talked with many pensioners these days. These are people who have a serious problem of mere survival, because the government has completely forgotten them in its populist programs. This applies to all socially vulnerable categories and beneficiaries of social assistance. This injustice must be corrected - he said and added that it is evident that the current government is insensitive to these problems, and that it is trying to hide the fact that the existence of many people in Montenegro is seriously threatened with propaganda.
In addition, he pointed to numerous anomalies that, as he pointed out, were caused by the authorities after August 30, 2020.
Development projects are completely stopped! Health tourism potentials are slowly extinguished or destroyed. The best example is one of the most famous Montenegrin tourism and health brands, the "Dr. Simo Milošević" Institute in Igalo, which is collapsing. The fact that the employees have not received their salaries for months is disturbing for any person who has even a little empathy and responsibility. That's why we need to get a government that will offer solutions for this problem as soon as possible - announced acting the president of DPS.
In the end, Živković assessed that it is hypocritical that the relevant ministry does not solve this problem, and points to some legal obstacles.
Will soon, in addition to non-payment of wages to employees, there will also be no post-operative recovery for people with serious illnesses? The excuses of the relevant ministry to leave people without wages because there is supposedly no legal basis for them to help are hypocritical. We are all witnesses because this government has been forcefully adapting laws to its political needs all the time, and when it failed to do so, it violated them. Therefore, behind the failure to solve the problem of the Institute, there is a lack of will of the Government to solve this problem, or the collapse of this health institution is part of someone's plan - concluded Živković.