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Western Balkans and European Union are key partners in foreign policy

Western Balkans and European Union are key partners in foreign policy


Montenegro is an uncompromising EU partner with a clear geopolitical position, said State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Ljubomir Misurovic during the eighth meeting of the political directors of the Western Balkans (WB6) and the European Union.


Misurovic welcomed delegations and expressed his satisfaction with the fact that Montenegro hosted such a significant event.


As he announced, the maintenance of mutual political dialogue is a key to a remote pre -accession path, especially from the aspect of current challenges on the international scene.


Misurovic emphasized that Montenegro is an uncompromising EU partner with a clear geopolitical position, recalling the full alignment of Montenegro with sanctions towards Russia for aggression in Ukraine.


Talking about current events, he expressed concern about the circumstances that affect European safety, and emphasized the importance of synchronized devilning of all European partners. In this regard, he particularly welcomed the launch of the European political community, which represents a good platform for further dialogue.


Deputy General Secretary for the Political Affairs of the European Eternal Eternity (EEAS) Sea EEA) pointed out that continuous communication on the most important issues of foreign policy is crucial. As he said, EU membership is the only perspective for the Western Balkan countries. In this context, he recalled the importance of reconciliation with the common external and safety policy of the EU and unity due to Russian aggression in Ukraine.


"All the interlocutors once again expressed their support for territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine," Montenegro said from the Assembly of Montenegro.


Mirsad Jahović

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