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"Where Tomorrow?": Police Administration to Answer Questions Publicly Asked by Human Rights Action


The Police Administration announced late last night that it had compiled "detailed information on the conduct of the events in Cetinje" and that it had submitted the document to the Council for Civilian Control of the Police, at the initiative of the Human Rights Action (HRA).

Therefore, the informal student group "Where Tomorrow?" demands that the Police Administration, as they emphasized, answer the questions publicly asked by the Human Rights Action (HRA), and publish them on its official website so that they are available to the general public, especially the families of the victims.

This request by the student group "Where Tomorrow?", as they emphasized, is based on Article 51 of the Constitution, which establishes that "everyone has access to information from state bodies and organizations exercising public authority".

In particular, they say, it is unclear why it took the Police Directorate so long to submit information of particular public interest to the Police Control Council and why the answers to the questions presented are not available to the public.

"Therefore, we demand that the Police Department fulfill its constitutional obligation as soon as possible and inform the Montenegrin public in detail and indiscriminately about the actions taken in connection with the tragic events in Cetinje.

It is of great importance that the public finally receives complete answers to two questions that are constantly being asked in public:

First: Where did the murderer get the illegal weapon and how did he get it?

Second: Has the murderer's phone been examined and with whom was he in contact at the time of the crime?

Further delay in providing the requested answers by the Police Department, especially now that they have "produced information", will undoubtedly be seen as a further obstruction to finding out the real truth about the crimes in Cetinje, and thus further deepen the belief that due to the inappropriate actions of the police, certain facts about this event are being hidden from the public," the informal group of students "Where Tomorrow?" said in a statement.

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