We believe that this coalition will be a guarantee of the Stable and Safe Future of Montenegro, which will be the future European Union member, and will be an unavoidable political factor without which the European government of Montenegro - the holder of the list of Democratic Party of Socialists, Social Democrats, Liberal Party and Democratic Union Albanians Danijel Živković.
He is, at the Media Conference of the Representative of the Election List "together! For the future that belongs - Danijel Zivkovic", stated that people are on the list of professionals, with personal and professional integrity, people with serious references, those who with their expertise and what So far, they have achieved in professional and private life, I can sail that they can achieve all those goals that set up in front of themselves in the election program.
The essence is to dedicate ourselves to citizens, that citizens will be in the focus of this electoral list and our election program - Živković pointed out.
The list is added, apparent people, college professors, doctors of science, reputable doctors ..
People who have already affirmed in public, social and political life, who want to affirm theirselves through politics. The program involves concrete solutions for the problems that quietly and burden our society. We do not deal with any populism, we did not deal with any cheap political tricks, it does not belong to us as serious and responsible people. We offered realistic and sustainable solutions for what the problems that burden the Montenegrin society - said Zivkovic.
He told citizens to analyze every list in particular, and to assess whether their list deserves a majority trust.
He believes that this is the highest quality list, and it is convinced that "the Stability and Security of Montenegro will launch the 'dead spot' when it comes to EU integration and provide a much better future."
We will not deal with some negative things that burdened Montenegrin society, we will offer optimism and solutions - said Ziković.
Social Democrats Boris Mugoša said that only the fellowship of all those political entities, ie the state-election, is crucial to return to EU integration, but also to strengthen the credibility within NATO Alliance.
That is why we went out with an innovated staff and a program offer - he stated Mugos.
They do not want, adds, to promise something that is not realistic, but to stand behind what they promise to the program.
Most programs are dedicated to the socio-economic position of most of our citizens - Mugoša emphasized.
It also points out that their political and moral obligation is that "we have a state in which everyone will be able to meet their existential needs."
We will dedicate ourselves to users of social benefits, which are completely bypassed. We will deal with all vulnerable categories, as well as the problem of peer violence, femicomid and the problem of negative natural growth - he said, among other things, Mugos and added that it would not be populist solutions.
The President of the Democratic Union of Albanians, Mehmed Zenka, said that they have felt the need to associate in the defense of all those values for which the previous three decades advocated, and in the previous three years, they were in what position they were and in what position they are.
I think our results will show that Montenegro needs a political organization as we are, because it is still Montenegro in Mali. We hope to get the trust of citizens to show that we cannot just based on the words to work for Montenegro, we want to love black burning and working for it based on our works. I think the Montenegrin public will know that he appreciates our works - he pointed out.
The Liberal Party of Montenegro's Functioner Vatroslav Belan said that there was happiness in Montenegrin society, ie the ruling structures, we would not go to these elections today, but would end negotiations with the European Union.
It was an agreement last year, when we gave minority support to the Government of Dritan Abazovic, but the primary agreement was to do everything to complete the negotiations on this spring and start finalizing the EU accession process. That didn't happen. We lost them on the topics of some regional initiatives, they collapse what the main goals of Montenegro on its Euro-Atlantic path and we have come to the position that we collapse such governments and announce these extraordinary parliamentary elections.
He will do unto June 11, so that after the election would be the majority in the Government, in order to complete the process of negotiations with the EU, and that everything is completed for joining the twentieth anniversary of independence, that is, May 21, 2026.
We urgently need the stabilization of the economic system - pointed out, among other things, Belan.
The story, adds, about whether there will be bankrupt, and not when the construction of another shares of the highway will begin.
When asked whether the former president of the DPS Milo Đukanović will participate in the Živković campaign answered in the affirmative.
Speaking about the coalition capacity after the election, he always said that they were always observed by the state and national interest, and supported the previous minority government and when she did not meet expectations, she was in parliament.
Let's wait for the results of the elections on June 11. We are motivated and focused exclusively on it. We wish the best electoral result and we will achieve it, and after June 11, when we can talk to those who want to well Montenegro - said Zivkovic.