Diplomats in the Working Group for Enlargement in the Council of the EU continue to work on the draft of the EU's common position for Chapters 23 and 24, with the aim of holding the Intergovernmental Conference with Montenegro.
Today's meeting, where diplomats are expected to make additional comments, will be the last in this format, as the plan is to present the draft position on meeting the IBAR criteria to the permanent representatives (ambassadors) of the member states already on Thursday, June 20. when they should approve that document.
In the draft of the joint position, which the RTCG correspondent from Brussels had access to, it is stated that the European Commission, in assessing the fulfillment of the temporary benchmarks in chapters 23 and 24, stated that, overall, Montenegro fulfilled the temporary standards, achieved a good result at the level of compliance and advances in the application of the EU acquis.
After the agreement at the Council, the final benchmarks will be set in the Joint Position, which will provide further guidelines in the work ahead in these chapters.
After approval by the ambassador, the joint position should be confirmed by the ministers. After that, the holding of the Intergovernmental Conference with Montenegro is expected, which is planned for next week.