From the coalition "for the future of Montenegro", the president of the state and one of the leaders of the PES, as they say, publicly advertisements and determine the election will by the mandate of Milojka Spajić through returns of DPS. power through his three-part partners.
It is very important to our coalition to know whether this is the independent action of the PES leader and only his choice or that was also party supported by Milatovic, who held the High Party of Montenegro after elections for the President of Montenegro. Spajić, unlike Milatović, who became the president with our support, did not receive a mandate for the composition of the Government from us, but Milatović - allegations from ZBCG.
They also add that without any calculations and blackmail, unreservedly and strongly supported the second-placed from the first round of the presidential elections of Jakovi Milatović.
In this support, the Coalition of ZBCG included all party infrastructure, and our voters have predominantly contributed to the victory over Milo Djukanović. Then most political parties and leaders who see Mandatar Milojko Spajić sees Mila Djukanovic in his government and actively participated in the campaign against President Milatovic. Among other things, Milatović clearly announced that the "Bosniak Party there will not be room in the new government," MILATOVIĆ. Milatovic said that, not ZBCG-allegations in the statement.
As they said, since the President of the State Jakov Milatović gave a mandate for compiling the Government to his party colleague, Milojka Spajak, as they claim, believe that in his personality other than political skills there are moral norms below which is not ready to be the soul for a bare interest.
We also inform you that the mandate of Spajic led false negotiations with the COalici ZBCG on all the time, and especially when the talks continued bilaterally, at the level of the mandatary and the COALITY OF ZBCG. When he realized that we were ready to enter the government, and even to accept the offer made by the public, even that minimal with which most of our members supported in the presidential election, he started calling for instructions German embassies and some mutual needs that have he and that embassy. And instead of us to find the final offer, publicly or in writing as we agreed, he ran to arranging the parties that barely wait for a new engagement with the DPS-Om- I stand out from ZBCG.
Although, as they say, many think that in politics is all allowed, "from the change in attitudes to change in political jerseys, one is certain - the betrayal of the folk will never forgave, nor paid off."
That is why we want to hear the attitude of Jakov Milatovic, whether he supports the Return of the DPS to power, and whether he also thinks that he and Milojko Spajić would receive those thousands of eager justice citizens, that they would have been the happiest announced in this way Milo Đukanović- stated from ZBCG.