The verdict of the Basic Court in Nikšić in the case of Dragan Todorović against Montenegro, i.e. the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is the best confirmation of what we have been claiming all along, that on September 5 and 6, 2021 in Cetinje, during the enthronement of Joanikij Mićović as Metropolitan, the police carried out classic torture on the gathered citizens, said Social Democrat MP Nikola Zirojević.
The protest of the gathered citizens against the enthronement in Cetinje, in a facility that belongs to Montenegrins, and not to a religious organization based in another country, and against the actions of the clerical Government of Zdravko Krivokapić, which, instead of the interests of the state, served the interests of the Serbian Orthodox Church, was completely justified. and represented a democratic way of resisting such a wrong policy, he assessed.
He adds that everything ended with the brutal reaction of the police, the lynching of innocent citizens, including a large number of women, children, the elderly and people with disabilities.
With a bunch of tear gas, shock bombs and rubber bullets on citizens, it went to that extent. The capital city was in a cloud of smoke even a few days after the terror attack. For us, this verdict, one of many, represents satisfaction and a firm belief that this is only the beginning of establishing responsibility for the implementation of brutal police repression against the gathered citizens in Cetinje. We certainly will not stop until the responsibility of every individual from the security sector and the executive power, who managed this shameful action, is established, and those responsible are adequately sanctioned, said Zirojević.